September 13, 2016 at 6:00 PM - Pioneer Technology Center Board of Education Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call meeting to order
2. Roll call and establish a quorum
3. Flag salute and moment of silence
4. Reports and Presentations - Goals Presentations
5. Discussion and vote to approve or not approve the Minutes of the August 9, 2016 regular Board of Education meeting
6. Discussion, review and vote to approve or not approve the Encumbrances, Financial Report and Activity Fund Report - Stacey Rush, Director of Finance
7. Administrative Reports and Anticipated Discussion by the Board and Staff
7.A. Bruce DeMuth, Superintendent/CEO
7.B. Traci Thorpe, Deputy Superintendent
8. Discussion and vote to ratify emergency purchase over $5,000 - (Josh Short Plumbing) Rheam Commercial Hot Water Tank, including installation and parts, for Early Care Center - $6,240
9. Discussion and vote to approve or not approve the Estimate of Needs for FY17
10. Discussion and vote to approve or not approve list of surplus items
11. Discussion and vote to approve or not approve payment of membership fees to OATC for FY17 ($6,500 - no increase from last year)
12. Discussion and vote to approve or not approve out-of-state travel for Bruce DeMuth to attend the ACTE Vision 2016 Convention in Las Vegas, NV, Nov. 30-Dec. 4, 2016
13. Proposed Executive Session to discuss the employment, hiring, appointment or resignation of any individual salaried public officer or employee. This is in accordance with Okla. Stat. Title 25, 307(B)(1). Discussion of the following matters is proposed: (1) transfer of Steve Correll from T&I Teaching Asst./Bus Driver to Maintenance/Bus Driver, (2) employment of T&I Teaching Asst./Bus Driver and (3) part-time and temporary employment contracts, stipends and addenda to contracts as listed on Appendix A
14. Vote to convene in Executive Session
14.A. Time:
15. Acknowledge return of the Board to Open Session
15.A. Time:
16. Board President statement of Executive Session minutes
17. Vote to approve or not approve transfer of Steve Correll, T&I Teaching Asst./Bus Driver to Maintenance/Bus Driver position
18. Vote to approve or not approve employment of T&I Teaching Asst./Bus Driver
19. Vote to approve or not approve individuals on part-time and temporary employment contracts, stipends and addenda to contracts
20. New Business
21. Public Comment
22. Motion and vote to adjourn
22.A. Time: