April 2, 2020 at 6:00 PM - Pioneer Technology Center Board of Education Special Meeting
Agenda | |
1. Call meeting to order
2. Flag salute and Moment of Silence
3. Roll call and establish a quorum
4. Motion and vote to approve or not approve minutes of March 10, 2020 Regular Board of Education Meeting
8. Discussion and vote to approve or not approve the addition or revision of the following policies: BE-E - Board of Education Meetings Tele or Videoconference Regulations Sample Notice and Agenda , BED-R - Board of Education Meetings, Public Participation, Regulation and BE-R2 - Board of Education Meetings Tele or Videoconference Regulations
9. Discussion of other COVID-19 issues affecting Pioneer Technology Center programs, personnel, instruction and training that have developed since the posting of the agenda.
10. Motion and vote to adjourn and roll call