June 26, 2018 at 6:30 PM - Red River Technology Center Board of Education; Special Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to order and roll call of members.
2. Vote to approve Minutes Clerk.
3. Discussion and possible action regarding agenda as part of the minutes.
4. Hearing at the request of Chandra Cne Geraghty concerning Superintendent's recommendation that her employment be terminated as according to notice provided to Ms. Geraghty on May 29, 2018.
5. Order of Procedure for Due Process Hearing for Chandra Cne Geraghty
5.a. Opening Statement by Dennis Loafman
5.b. Opening Statement by Chandra Cne Geraghty
5.c. Presentation of Dennis Loafman's evidence followed by cross-examination of witnesses by Chandra Cne Geraghty
5.d. Questions by Board Members
5.e. Redirect, recross, or additional questions by Board Members
5.f. Presentation of Chandra Cne Geraghty's evidence
5.g. Cross-Examination of Chandra Cne Geraghty's witnesses by Dennis Loafman
5.h. Questions by Board Members
5.i. Redirect, recross, or additional questions by board members
5.j. Presentation of rebuttal and surrebuttal evidence as necessary
5.k. Closing argument by Chandra Cne Geraghty
5.l. Closing argument by Dennis Loafman
6. Proposed Executive Session to discuss termination of Chandra Cne Geraghty and to deliberate possible Findings of Facts. 25 O.S.ยง307 (b)(1)
7. Vote to go or not to go into Executive Session.
8. Acknowledge return to Open Session.
9. Executive Session Minutes Compliance Announcement.
10. Vote to adopt or not to adopt proposed Findings of Fact concerning Superintendent's recommendation to terminate Chandra Cne Geraghty.
11. Vote to terminate employment of Chandra Cne Geraghty.
12. Discussion and possible action regarding minutes of the June 11, 2018 Board Meeting.
13. Discussion and possible action regarding the attached employee contracts.
14. Discussion and possible action regarding the following:
14.a. General Fund Change Orders for FY17
14.b. Building Fund Change Orders for FY17
14.c. General Fund Change Orders, Warrants and Encumbrances for FY18, numbers 1317-1354
14.d. Building Fund Change Orders for FY18
14.e. General Fund Payroll Change Orders, Warrants and Encumbrances for FY18, numbers 70467-70471
14.f. Building Fund Payroll Change Orders for FY18
15. Discussion and possible action regarding FY19 Red River Technology Center Employee Salaries.
16. Discussion and possible action regarding the resignation of Teresa Brown, effective June 30, 2018.
17. Discussion and possible action regarding the out of state travel for Kelly Pollock to attend Project Lead the Way Medical Intervention Training in San Diego, CA from July 7-21, 2018 and AP Biology Training in Canyon Lake, TX from July 22-27, 2018.
18. Discussion and possible action regarding the out of state travel for Davis Loafman to attend IED training at Arkansas Tech University in Russellville, Arkansas from July 8-July 20, 2018.
19. Discussion and possible action regarding the on-going clinical contracts with Gregston Nursing Center and Meridian Nursing Center for A&CD clinical training.
20. Discussion and possible action regarding the Resolution to Declare Surplus Property (Curriculum & Inventory).
21. Discussion and possible action regarding the employment of Curtis Suson for temporary summer help.
22. Discussion and possible action regarding the addition of Kayla Brown, Jill Geeslan, Angelina Pollock & Naomi Webb to the previously approved A&CD, AEL, BIS and Substitute Instructor list.
23. Vote to adjourn.