May 14, 2018 at 6:30 PM - Red River Technology Center Board of Education; Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to order and roll call of members.
2. Vote to approve Minutes Clerk.
3. Discussion and possible action regarding agenda as part of the minutes.
4. Discussion and possible action regarding minutes of the April 9, 2018 Board Meeting.
5. Discussion and possible action regarding the April 2018 Treasurer's Report.
6. Discussion and possible action regarding the May 2018 Activity Fund Report.
7. Discussion and possible action regarding the following:
7.a. General Fund Change Orders for FY17
7.b. General Fund Change Orders, Warrants and Encumbrances for FY18, numbers 1034-1260
7.c. General Fund Payroll Change Orders, Warrants and Encumbrances for FY18, numbers 70402-70422
8. Discussion and possible action regarding the attached employee contracts.
9. Discussion and possible action regarding the employment of Gerry Rawlings, Assessment Center Staff.
10. Discussion and possible action regarding the employment of Gretchen Taylor, Pre-Engineering Instructor.
11. Discussion and possible action regarding the employment of Laura Long, Health Care Careers Instructor.
12. Discussion and possible action regarding the employment of Norma Hernandez, Health Care Careers Instructor.
13. Discussion and possible action regarding the employment of Corey Harwell, Precision Machine Technology Instructor.
14. Discussion and possible action regarding the employment of Amanda Garner-Slate, Cosmetology Instructor.
15. Discussion and possible action regarding the temporary employment of Davis Loafman, STEM Instructor.
16. Discussion and possible action regarding the proposed executive session to evaluate and discuss the employment of the following for FY19 pursuant to 25 O.S.307ยง(b)(1) of the Open Meeting Act:
16.a. ten-month certified personnel on a continuing contract basis
16.b. more-than-ten-month certified personnel on a continuing contract basis
16.c. non-certified personnel
16.d. support personnel
16.e. personnel contingent upon federal funds being available
17. Vote to convene or not convene in executive session.
18. Vote to acknowledge return of board to open session.
19. Executive Session Compliance Announcement.
20. Discussion and possible action regarding the employment of the attached named ten-month certified personnel for FY19 on a continuing contract basis (1-14).
21. Discussion and possible action regarding the employment of the attached named more-than-ten-month certified personnel for FY19 on a continuing contract basis (15-18).
22. Discussion and possible action regarding the employment of the attached named personnel for FY19 (19-28).
23. Discussion and possible action regarding the employment of the attached named support personnel for FY19.
24. Discussion and possible action regarding the employment of Jamie Conway for FY19 contingent upon availability of Federal Funding.
25. Discussion and possible action regarding the employment of Carlos Hernandez as summer help (IT).
26. Discussion and possible action regarding the employment of Zach Welch as summer help (welding).
27. Discussion and possible action regarding the employment of Tanner Prestwich as summer help (welding).
28. Discussion and possible action regarding the amendment to the previously approved Activity Fund Revenue & Expenditures: Account #328 (scholarship fund) to include "Refund to Donor" as an approved expenditure.
29. Discussion and possible action regarding the Clinical Contract Agreement (for Practical Nursing student training) with Chickasha Nursing Center.
30. Discussion and possible action regarding the Gooden Group Cooperative Agreement for 2018-19.
31. Discussion and possible action regarding the Statewide Marketing Agreement for 2018-19.
32. Discussion and possible action regarding the Multi-Jurisdiction Natural Hazard Mitigation Plan between Red River Technology Center and Stephens County Emergency Management.
33. Discussion and possible action for out of state travel for Gretchen Taylor to attend Project Lead the Way Aerospace Engineering training in Tyler Texas, June 18-June 29, 2018.
34. Discussion and possible action for out of state travel for Kelly Pollock to attend Project Lead the Way training in Rolla Missouri, July 8-July 20, 2018.
35. Discussion and possible action regarding adding Cindy Hammonds to the previously approved A&CD, AEL, BIS & Substitute Instructor list.
36. Discussion and possible action regarding the Resolution to Declare Surplus Property (Curriculum & Inventory).
37. Discussion and possible action regarding the out-of-district tuition rate of $12,682.00 for high school students for FY19 (this rate is set by ODCTE).
38. Discussion and possible action for Noe Almeida, Bill Leyrer and 2 students to attend SkillsUSA National Convention in Louisville Kentucky, June 25-29, 2018.
39. Discussion and possible action for Norma Hernandez, Donna Rawlings and 7 students to attend HOSA National Conference in Dallas Texas, June 27-30, 2018.
40. Discussion and possible action regarding the out-of-state travel for:
40.a. Krissy Bohn to TCTW/SREB Summer Conference in Orlando, FL from July 10-14, 2018
40.b. Jamie Conway to TCTW/SREB Summer Conference in Orlando, FL from July 10-14, 2018
40.c. Corey Harwell to TCTW/SREB Summer Conference in Orlando, FL from July 10-14, 2018
40.d. Norma Hernandez to TCTW/SREB Summer Conference in Orlando, FL from July 10-14, 2018
40.e. Brook Holding to TCTW/SREB Summer Conference in Orlando, FL from July 10-14, 2018
40.f. Laura Long to TCTW/SREB Summer Conference in Orlando, FL from July 10-14, 2018
40.g. Sylvia Loveday to TCTW/SREB Summer Conference in Orlando, FL from July 10-14, 2018
40.h. Kaitlyn Snider to TCTW/SREB Summer Conference in Orlando, FL from July 10-14, 2018
41. Discussion and possible action regarding the membership with OSSBA Unemployment Services for FY19.
42. New Business: In accordance with Oklahoma State Statute 25 Section 25 311(A)(9), this is limited to any matter not known about or which could not have been reasonably foreseen prior to the time of posting the agenda.
43. Informational Items:
43.a. Bid Assistance Statistic Report
43.b. 2018 OSSBA/CCOSA Conference-August 24-26, 2018
43.c. Lock Down Drills-April 11, 2018
43.d. Emergency Shelter Drills-April 30, 2018
43.e. Communities Foundation of Oklahoma
43.f. Career Information Specialist Report
43.g. Contest Results
43.h. Woodward Scholarship Recipients (State Skills USA winners)
43.i. Cameron University Tuition Waiver Recipients
43.j. Rodney J Love Memorial Scholarship Recipients
44. Vote to adjourn.