March 10, 2025 at 6:00 PM - Board of Education Regular Meeting
Agenda |
Call meeting to order
Roll call and record names of members present
Pledge of Allegiance
This month at OTPS:
Recognize and hear from visitors (public participation)
Treasurer's Report
Assistant Superintendent's Report
-Professional Development -Federal Programs -Teaching and Learning |
-Title IX Compliance Report
Superintendent's Report
-Bond Issue Update |
CONSENT AGENDA (These items may be approved by one Board motion, unless any Board member desires to have a separate vote on any or all of these items).
Discussion and Consideration for approval of the minutes of the following OTPS Board of Education Meetings:
-Regular Meeting on February 10 -Special Meeting on February 10
Discussion and Consideration for approval of the following warrants and encumbrances:
-General Fund Encumbrances: 379-404 -General Fund Warrants: 2332-2770 -Building Fund Encumbrances: 84-86 -Building Fund Warrants: 279-288 -Capital Improvements Encumbrance (Fund 35): 2
Discussion and Consideration for approval of financial reports, (General Fund, Building Fund, Building Bond Funds, Activity Funds).
Discussion and Consideration for approval of the following activity fund transfers:
Discussion and Consideration for the approval of the following Out-of-State or Overnight Field trip requests:
-OHS and OMS Robotics to State Championship in Muskogee, OK March 13-14, 2025 -OHS and OMS TSA to State Conference in Norman, OK April 8-11, 2025 -OHS Speech and Debate to State Competition in Bethany, OK April 9-12, 2025 -OHS Varisty Volleyball Team Camp in Branson, MO July 7-11, 2025 -OHS Girls Wrestling to Regional Wrestling at Jay, OK February 16-17, 2025
Recommendation, Consideration, and Action on approving updates to the OTPS Gifted and Talented Education Plan for the 2024-2025 school year
Recommendation, Consideration, and Action on approving updates to the OTPS School Calendar for the 2024-2025 school year
Recommendation, Consideration, and Action on approving the selection of a construction management group to assist in the development of all items related to the upcoming bond issue
Recommendation, Consideration, and Action on approving the following OTPS Board of Education policy:
-EKBA - Strong Readers Act
Recommendation, Consideration, and Action on approving a contract with Barlow Education Management Services for Federal Programs Management for the 2025-2026 school year
Recommendation, Consideration, and Action on approving the 2024-2025 audit contract and engagement letter with Bledsoe, Hewett & Gullekson
Recommendation, Consideration, and Action on approving special meeting dates listed on Attachment A
Recommendation, Consideration, and Action on approving items listed on Attachment B under the heading January 13, 2025 Regular Board Meeting Agenda
Recommendation, Consideration, and Action on approving items listed on Attachment B under the heading February 10, 2025 Regular Board Meeting Agenda
Recommendation, Consideration, and Action on approving the naming of the meeting room located in the northwest corner of the administration building, the "Don Tice Executive Conference Room"
Proposed executive session to discuss Resignations, Hiring of Personnel and/or Extra Duty Assignments. Pursuant to 25 O.S. Sect. 307(B)(1) and (7) of the Open Meeting Law. Items to be discussed are:
-Resignations: Mrs. Kaysha Bell (Resignation and Resignation Agreement), Krystal Lynch, Cole Breshears, Brandy Albert -Rehiring for the 2025-2026 school year: Principals (Kevin Hogue, Kelli Dixon, Hilary Morsey), Assistant Principals (Scott Doss, Amber Fitzgerald, Kylie Easterwood, Ashley Radcliff), Transportation (Lyndon Jennings), Technology (Danna McGuire, Mike Murray), Child Nutrition (Monica Wells, Amy Sparks, Regina Clark, SueAnn Campbell) -Appointing an Interim Principal at OLE for the remainder of the 2024-2025 school year |
Vote to convene or not to convene into executive session
Acknowledge Board has returned to open session.
Statement of Board President of executive session minutes compliance
Vote to accept or not accept submitted resignation(s) as listed below:
-Krystal Lynch- TA at OUE, effective February 27, 2025 -Cole Breshears- (Retirement) Maintenance Supervisor, effective April 30, 2025 -Brandy Albert- UE Teacher, effective May 22, 2025 |
Vote to accept or not accept the resignation agreement with Kaysha Bell and accept or not accept Kaysha Bell's resignation
Statement of the Board President to the Board, "If any board member wishes to vote on an individual item separately from a list of items presented together, they may request to do so. Upon request, that item will be removed from the group for an individual vote, while the remaining items will be considered together as originally presented."
Motion and vote to rehire or not rehire the following principals for the 2025-2026 school year:
Kevin Hogue, Kelli Dixon, Hilary Morsey |
Motion and Vote to rehire or not rehire the following assistant principals for the 2025-2026 school year:
-Scott Doss, Amber Fitzgerald, Kylie Easterwood, Ashley Radcliff |
Motion and Vote to rehire or not rehire the following transportation employee for the 2025-2026 school year:
-Lyndon Jennings |
Motion and Vote to rehire or not rehire the following technology employees for the 2025-2026 school year:
-Danna McGuire, Mike Murray |
Motion and Vote to rehire or not rehire the following child nutrition employees:
-Monica Wells, Amy Sparks, Regina Clark, SueAnn Campbell |
Motion and Vote to approve appointment of Interim Principal for Oologah Lower Elementary for the remainder of the 2024-2025 school year