March 13, 2024 at 9:00 AM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
2. Roll Call
3. Recognize guests and receive public comments (limit 3 minutes each)
4. Approve Minutes of February 14, 2024 Regular Meeting
5. Consider approval and ratification of investments, including certificates of deposit and other government -backed securities
6. Discuss status of projects
6.A. Economic Development Administration CARES ACT Recovery Assistance Grant Project (Berth 5 Backland Improvement Project)
6.B. Economic Development Administration (EDA) Disaster Supplemental Grant (Port Rail Yard and Laydown Yard Project)
6.C. Berth 6 Expansion Project (BUILD Grant)
6.D. TXDOT Rider 37 Grant Project (2.5 - Acre Multimodal Laydown Yard and Truck Queuing Area)
6.E. TXDOT Rider 37 Grant Project (5 - Acre Truck Queuing Area)
6.F. TXDOT Rider 38 Grant Project (Truck Queuing Area)
6.G. TXDOT Rider 45 Grant - Project 1 (4th Street, Houston Avenue and Lakeshore Drive Project)
6.H. TXDOT Rider 45 Grant - Project 2 (Lakeshore Drive Turnaround and Parking Lot Lighting Project)
6.I. FY 2020 MARAD Port Infrastructure Development Program (PIDP) Grant (Transit Shed #1 Project)
6.J. Rebuilding America Infrastructure with Sustainability and Equity (RAISE) 2022 Grant Project
6.K. Maintenance Repairs of Docks 1-4 Project
6.L. Dock Office Remediation 2023 Project
6.M. Big Arthur Crane Inspection, Repairs and Painting Project
6.N. Transit Shed Fire Protection System Project and Improvements (Warehouse 3 & 4)
6.O. Data Center and Data Center Generator Projects
6.P. FY 2024 Community Project Funding Requests
7. Consider payment of invoices
8. Discuss authorizing Notice to Bidders for extension of electric utility services west of the Colonial meter skid area
9. Consider authorizing Notice to Bidders for construction of elevated electrical service rack
10. Consider approval of a Master Service Agreement and Statement of Work for services required to implement Microsoft Business Central (DSWi)
11. Consider approval of contract for temporary staffing services (Lanmark Staffing)
12. Consider acceptance of proposal for insurance brokerage services, RFP-2024-03
13. Discuss status of TXDOT Seaport Connectivity Project (SCP) 2023 and TXDOT Maritime Infrastructure Program (MIP) 2023 and consider Resolution approving agreement for railyard flyover project
14. Consider authorization of fiscal year 2025 Community Project Funding Request, including adoption of Resolutions, preparation and filing of applications and other documentation related thereto, and authorize Executive Port Director to sign and file the requests on behalf of the Port of Port Arthur
15. Discuss status of claim from Bond Holder in connection with Port of Port Arthur Navigation District of Jefferson County, Texas General Obligation Bonds, Series 1966 (JP Morgan Chase)
16. Discuss status of Notice to Bidders for maintenance, waste and security services
17. Discuss status of Foreign Trade Zone 116
18. Discuss status of Texas Ports Association Economic Impact Study (Martin & Associates)
19. Discuss status of Community Outreach and Public Affairs
20. Discuss status of Contractors Assistance Program for Local, Veteran, Minority and Women-owned business enterprises
21. Receive report regarding City of Port Arthur Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone No. 1
22. Discuss status of study and cost/benefit analysis services for evaluation of grant opportunities
23. Discuss any items not on agenda without taking action thereon
24. Executive Session to discuss matters pertaining to personnel, real property, economic development negotiations, security matters and litigation. Action may be taken on any and all items discussed in Executive Session upon return to Open Meeting regarding:
24.A. Personnel (GOV'T. CODE SEC. 551.074)
24.B. Real Property (GOV'T. CODE SEC. 551.072)
24.B.1. Discuss potential purchases of real property in Navigation District
24.B.2. Discuss potential leases of real property in Navigation District
24.C. Conduct deliberations regarding economic development negotiations pertaining to (GOV'T. CODE SEC. 551.086):
24.C.1. Liquids Terminal Facilities
24.C.2. LNG Facilities
24.C.3. Marine Terminal and Inland Storage Area Project
24.C.4. Wood Pellets Storage and Loading Facilities
24.C.5. Wind Energy Project
24.C.6. Clean Energy Project
24.D. Security Matters (GOV'T. CODE SEC. 551.076)
24.E. Litigation (GOV'T. CODE SEC. 551.071)
24.E.1. Hurricanes Laura and Delta Insurance Claims
24.E.2. Sabine-Neches Navigation District Channel Modification Litigation
24.E.3. IRS examination of Unlimited Tax Port Improvement Bonds, Series 2017A
24.E.4. M/V Nemea grounding incident
25. Return to Open Meeting
26. Consider approval of amendment to Consulting Agreement for evaluation of waterfront development projects (Gerald F. Bemberg)
27. Discuss status of legislative matters
28. Discuss status of USACE-DD7 floodwall replacement project and consider approval of proposed alignment
29. Consider motion to adjourn