April 17, 2024 at 12:00 PM - SH130 MMD Board Meeting
Agenda |
1. Public communications and comments;
Tim Alcott
Public communications and comments;
2. Review and approve Minutes of March 20, 2024 regular meeting;
Tim Alcott
Review and approve Minutes of March 20, 2024 regular meeting;
3. If timely and appropriate, consider adoption of an Order Appointing Director, confirm receipt of Statement of Officer form and administer Oath of Office;
Tim Alcott
If timely and appropriate, consider adoption of an Order Appointing Director, confirm receipt of Statement of Officer form and administer Oath of Office
4. Discussion with regard to current Director positions and committee assignments, and take possible action with regard to reelection of Directors to new positions and/or committee assignments;
Tim Alcott
Discussion with regard to current Director positions and committee assignments, and take possible action with regard to reelection of Directors to new positions and/or committee assignments
5. If timely, further discuss resignation of a Board Member from the Texas Workhouse Housing Foundation("TWHF") and approve a Resolution Approving the Appointment of a Board Member to the TWHF, or other similar resolution or order, to fill such vacancy, and take any additional action as may be necessary with regard thereto;
Tim Alcott
If timely, further discuss resignation of a Board Member from the Texas Workhouse Housing Foundation ("TWHF") and approve a Resolution Approving the Appointment of a Board Member to the TWHF, or other similar resolution or order, to fill such vacancy, and take any additional action as may be necessary with regard thereto;
6. Review and approve a Cash Activity Report and related payments, authorize the opening of any new accounts, asmay be necessary, and take further action with regard to any additional reporting or budget related matters;
Candice Salazar
Review and approve a Cash Activity Report and related payments, authorize the opening of any new accounts, as may be necessary, and take further action with regard to any additional reporting or budget related matters
7. Update regarding Hayes Innovation Center for Advanced Manufacturing ("HICAM"), specifically staffing/hiringof employees and vendors for HICAM, review and consider a contract for Construction Manager in a not toexceed amount as well as a contract for General Contractor for the project and a contract with STG Design relatedto design of HICAM;
Marcus Metzger
Update regarding Hayes Innovation Center for Advanced Manufacturing ("HICAM"), specifically staffing/hiring of employees and vendors for HICAM, review and consider a contract for Construction Manager in a not to exceed amount as well as a contract for General Contractor for the project and a contract with STG Design related to design of HICAM
8. Discussion with regard to the hiring of additional District employees, consultants or contract labor, matters relatedto new or existing employee contracts, and take any action, as may be necessary, with regard thereto;
Tim Alcott
Discussion with regard to the hiring of additional District employees, consultants or contract labor, matters related to new or existing employee contracts, and take any action, as may be necessary, with regard thereto
9. Discuss and consider possible purchase of property by the District located in Bastrop County adjacent to existing boundaries, and take necessary action with regard thereto;
Discuss and consider possible purchase of property by the District located in Bastrop County adjacent to existing boundaries, and take necessary action with regard thereto;
10. If timely and appropriate, discuss and consider an advancement of funds not to exceed a certain amount to cover pre-development reports related to the Emerald Island project;
If timely and appropriate, discuss and consider an advancement of funds not to exceed a certain amount to cover pre-development reports related to the Emerald Island project
11. Discuss and consider delegation of authority to Executive Director and Chief Operating Officer for the District to execute real estate closing documents on behalf of the District and its sponsored entities;
Discuss and consider delegation of authority to Executive Director and Chief Operating Officer for the District to execute real estate closing documents on behalf of the District and its sponsored entities;
12. Review of requests for proposals for legal services and take appropriate action, as may be necessary, with regardthereto;
Review of requests for proposals for legal services and take appropriate action, as may be necessary, with regard thereto
13. Adjourn to Executive Session to consult with attorney regarding real estate in accordance with Texas GovernmentCode §551.072;
Adjourn to Executive Session to consult with attorney regarding real estate in accordance with Texas Government Code §551.072
14. If necessary, reopen meeting and take any necessary action with regard to matters discussed in Executive Session;
If necessary, reopen meeting and take any necessary action with regard to matters discussed in Executive Session
15. Discuss and confirm any tentative or proposed next meeting dates; and
Discuss and confirm any tentative or proposed next meeting dates
16. Adjournment.