June 25, 2024 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call the meeting to order and establish a quorum.
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Presentation:
Construction Planning Status/Update Presented by Christine Walker from Claycomb and Associates (Architect) |
4. Public Comments
5.A. Discussion and possible approval of the Construction Documents for the Coupland Middle School project as prepared by Claycomb Associates, Architects.
5.B. Discussion and possible approval for Weaver and Jacobs Constructors to solicit bids based on the Construction Documents for the Coupland Middle School project as prepared by Claycomb Associates, Architects
5.C. Consider and Approve a Letter of Engagement with an Auditor to Conduct an Efficiency Audit
5.D. Consider and Approve a Board Resolution for the Guardian Program Policy Development
5.E. Consider and Take Action to Add, Revise or Delete (LOCAL) Policies as Recommended by TASB Policy Service According to the Instruction Sheet for TASB Localized Policy Manual Update 121
5.F. Consider and Take Action to Add, Revise or Delete (LOCAL) Policies as Recommended by TASB Policy Service According to the Instruction Sheet for TASB Localized Policy Manual Update 122
5.G. Consider and Take Action to Add, Revise or Delete (LOCAL) Policies as Recommended by TASB Policy Service According to the Instruction Sheet for TASB Localized Policy Manual Update 123
5.H. Consider and Take Action to Revise (LOCAL) Policy DH
5.I. Consider and Take Action on Legal Services Contracts for the 2024-2025 School Year
5.J. Consider and Take Action Authorizing CISD to Submit Intent to Apply Notice for Federal Funds
5.K. Consider and Approve Contract Days Waiver for Auxiliary Staff (240 days)
5.L. Consider and Approve Colgate Bright Smiles Bright Futures School Agreement
5.M. Consider and Approve a Memorandum of Understanding with McDade ISD for Special Education Services
5.N. Item exceeding $25,000: Consider and Approve Installation of Additional Security Fencing by DHM, LLC (BuyBoard 732-24)
6.A. Consider and Approve the Board of Trustees Budget Regular Meeting Minutes for the May 9, 2024, Meeting.
6.B. Approve Monthly Bills, Monthly Financial Statement, and 3rd Quarter Investment Report
6.C. Consider and Approve Budget Amendment
7. Discussion Items
7.A. Discuss Future Action and Discussion items
7.B. Discuss New and Current Board Member Training Requirements
7.C. Future Board Meeting Dates
8. Superintendent's Report
8.A. Webpage and App
8.B. Staffing updates
8.C. Security
8.D. PEIMS Audit
8.E. Summer Project/Maintenance
8.F. Gym Updates
8.G. Business/Human Resources
8.H. Notary
9. Executive Session:
As determined by the Board of Trustees, there may be an executive session pursuant to the Texas Open meetings Act (Texas Gov’t Code Chapter 551). An Executive Session - may occur at any time during the meeting as permitted under the Open Meetings Act. The list of topics below are some, but not an exhaustive list, of items that would be considered in an executive session: Personnel (Texas Gov’t Code 551.074), Student Discipline (Texas Gov’t Code 551.082), Attorney consultation (Texas Gov’t Code 551.071), Purchase, exchange, lease or value of real property (Texas Gov’t Code 551.072), Prospective gift (Texas Gov't Code 551.073), Employee - Employee Complaint (Gov't code 551.082), Student Discipline Complaint (Gov't Code 551.082), Security (Gov't Code 551.076) Any action will be taken in a public session. |
9.A. Discussion of resolutions for certain District employees to carry firearms in accordance with Board Policy
9.B. Discussion of CKED (Local) and DH (Local) regarding written authorization to possess a firearm on school premises.
9.C. Discussion of guidelines, application for participation, and procedures relating to the Guardian Program
9.D. Discuss Evaluation of Superintendent of Schools
9.E. Discuss New Hire Recommendations
(Action Items post executive session are items that must be discussed in executive session. All actions must be taken in an open session.) |
10.A. Consider and take action on resolutions for certain District employees to carry firearms in accordance with board policy pending application and training.
10.B. Consider and take action on Board Policy DH (Local) with respect to written authorization to possess a firearm while on school premises, grounds, buildings or passenger transportation vehicle (“the Guardian Program”).
10.C. Consider and take action on guidelines, application for participation, and procedures relating to the Guardian Program.
10.D. Consider and Take Action on Evaluation of Superintendent of Schools
10.E. Consider and Take Action to Approve New Hire Recommendations
11. Report Items
11.A. Resignations
11.B. School Property Disposal
11.C. Donation(s)
11.D. Board Calendars