December 18, 2023 at 7:30 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call the meeting to order and establish a quorum.
2. Recognitions
3. Principal's Report
4. Public Comments
5.A. Approve the minutes for the Board meetings held November 9, 2023.
5.B. Approve the bills, financial report, and investment report.
5.C. Consider/ Approve the budget amendments as presented.
6.A. Consider, Discuss, and Possibly Approve the Appointment of Two New Board Members to Fill the Current Vacancies
6.B. Consider and Approve a Resolution Designating Nonbusiness Days for 2023 and 2024 (HB 3033)
6.C. Consider/ Approve the recommendation from Claycomb and administration for a consultant to conduct a signal survey at the intersection of FM 1466 and CR 460.
6.D. Consider and Take Action on an Interlocal Agreement with ESC Region 20 Purchasing Cooperative
6.E. Consider and Take Action on Interlocal Agreement with Harris County Department of Education Cooperative Purchase Program (Choice Partners)
6.F. Consider/ Approve Contract for Armed Security Guard on Campus
6.G. Consider and Approve Entering into an Agreement with a Strategic Planning Provider
6.H. Consider and Approve a Technology Program Audit and Assessment
6.I. Consider and Approve the Purchase of a District Passenger Vehicle
7. Discussion Items
7.A. Consider, Discuss, and Possibly Approve the Name of the New Middle School
7.B. Staff appreciation event, updates from Board members.
8. Superintendent's Report
8.A. Enrollment Report
8.B. Easement
8.C. Project Manager
8.D. Budget and Planning Calendar
8.E. Staffing updates.
9. Executive Session:
As determined by the Board of Trustees, there may be an executive session pursuant to the Texas Open meetings Act (Texas Gov’t Code 551.00) to discuss items relating to personnel (Texas Gov’t Code 551.074), student discipline (Texas Gov’t Code 551.082(1), attorney consultation (Texas Gov’t Code 551.071) and/or the purchase, exchange, lease or value of real property (Texas Gov’t Code 551.072). Any action will be taken in a public session. An Executive Session - may occur at any time during the meeting as permitted under the Open Meetings Act. The list of topics below are some, but not an exhaustive list, of items that would be considered in an executive session. Personnel - hiring of contractual personnel, resignations, contract terminations/non-renewals, issues, etc. Superintendent's appraisal, goals, directives, contract, compensation, etc. |
(Action Items post executive session are items that must be discussed in executive session. All actions must be taken in an open session.) |
10.A. Consider/ Approve New Hire Recommendations
10.B. Consider/ Approve the invoice from Walsh Gallegos, including the retainer fee for the current year.
11. Report Items
11.A. Resignations