February 14, 2024 at 8:00 AM - Agenda of Executive Committee
Agenda |
I. Routine
I.A. Roll call
I.B. Joint Consent - Recommendations for Approval
I.B.1. Approval of the Open & Closed Session Minutes of January 10, 2024
I.B.2. Destruction of verbatim records (audio recordings) of the closed session of January 11, 2023
I.B.3. Accounts Payable
I.B.4. Cash Flow Statements will be Distributed at the Meeting.
I.B.5. Expenditure Reports for FY24 will be Distributed at the Meeting.
I.C. Audience Participation
II. Old Business
II.A. Districts' Financial Payments
II.B. IDEA Grants
II.C. 2023-2024 Amended School Calendar (Exhibit #1):
III. New Business
III.A. Joint Consent
III.A.1. Approve Hiring of Abby Clague as a Paraprofessional:
III.A.2. Approve Unpaid Intermittent Leave of Absence for Stephanie Heerde, Paraprofessional (Exhibit #2):
III.B. Informational
III.B.1. Resignation of Delaney Knott as a Paraprofessional (Exhibit #3):
III.B.2. Resignation of Khylee Hardwick, Paraprofessional (Exhibit #4):
III.B.3. Retirement Notification of Sue Estoye, School Psychologist (Exhibit #5):
III.B.4. 2022-2023 Student Computation Reports:
III.B.5. District Level Special Education Administrators Meeting (Exhibit #6):
III.C. Renewal of Infinitec Agreement (Exhibit #7):
III.D. Approval of Embrace DS Contract (Exhibit #8):
III.E. TMCSEA Programs & Service Student Performance Data (Exhibit #9):
IV. Closed Executive Session
IV.A. There are no items for this month's meeting.
V. Action Items
V.A. There are no action items for this month's meeting.
VI. Other Business/Information
VI.A. Next Executive Committee Meeting, March 13, 2024, at 8:00am in Room 125 at Schramm Educational Center.
VII. Adjournment
Having no further material to present, your Director asks for a motion to adjourn