March 11, 2025 at 5:30 PM - Los Alamos Public Schools Board Meeting
Agenda |
1. Pledge of Allegiance
President Colgan
2. Call to Order
President Colgan
President Colgan will call the meeting to order and review the meeting protocols. Thank you for joining us for our regular school board meeting on March 11, 2025.. The meeting is both, in person and on Zoom. Agenda Item 10d will be for public comments for items NOT on the agenda. If on Zoom and wishing to make a public comment, please raise your digital hand and keep yourself on mute until called on. If in the room, please raise your hand until called on. Comments will be limited to 2 minutes, and are not intended to be a conversation. You may ask the question publicly, but to receive an answer, please also submit the question in an email to the school board or superintendent. |
3. Roll Call
President Colgan
President Colgan
Vice President Wyman Secretary Coupland Member Specter Member Adams |
4. Routine Business/Approval of Agenda
Action Item
President Colgan
Approval of Agenda
Action Item |
5. Recognition by the Board
All-State Music Students Sherri Bublitz, State Speech and Debate Teacher of the Year
President Colgan
6. a. Student Council Report
b. Student Liaison c. Superintendent’s Report d. Public Comment for items not on the agenda
President Colgan
7. Routine Business/Consent Agenda items
President Colgan
8. Part-Time Resolution
Presented by Asst Superintendent MIke Johnson Action Item
Mike Johnson
9. 2025 NMSBA Student Scholarship Nominations and Review Process
Presented by Superintendent Jennifer Guy Discussion Only
Superintendent Guy
10. LAPS Audit Results Discussion
Presented by Robert Cordova Action Item
Superintendent Guy
11. Policy 1411 (4013 & 5145) - Police & Other Governmental Agencies (1st Read)
Policy 1360 - Service Animals & Pets (1st Read) Policy 8030 - Board Policies (1st Read) Presented by Asst Superintendent Carter Payne Action Item
Carter Payne
12. Board Committees Update
President Colgan
13. Old Business
14. Future Business
LAPS School Board Meeting, March 27, 2025, Board Room Los Alamos County Day at the Legislature, March 12, 2025, Santa Fe NMSBA Regional II Meeting, March 31, 2025, Mesa Vista
President Colgan
15. Closed Executive Session
School Board President Colgan will ask for a MOTION to go into a closed Executive Session (Section10-15-1(B)) to discuss Union Negotiations as allowed in the Open Meetings Act NMSA 1978 (Section 10-15-1(B)). And To discuss limited Personnel Matters as permitted under Section 10-15- 1(H)(2) of the New Mexico Open Meetings Act; specifically, so that the Board can discuss and consult with legal counsel regarding Superintendent performance and evaluative matters. Action Item
President Colgan
16. Open Session
After the closed executive Session, School Board President Colgan will reconvene the School Board Session. In Reference to the Executive Session held during the School Board Session, School Board President Colgan will state that the purpose of the discussion in Closed session was limited to the items stated on the agenda.
President Colgan
17. Adjournment
President Colgan
Action Item