April 12, 2023 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
President Bang
1.A. Pledge of Allegiance
2. Approval of Agenda
3. Public Comment
4. Consent Agenda
4.A. Minutes from March 8, 2023 Regular Meeting, March 10, 2023 Special Meeting
4.B. Prepaid Bills
4.C. Reports
4.C.a. Business Manager Financial Reports
4.C.b. Personnel Reports:
1. Resignations:
Macinda Klatt-JH Volleyball
Kaitlyn Wilz-JH Volleyball Breanna Beede-Elementary Teacher Chad Dahlen-Elementary Boys' Basketball Dani Hasek-JH Girls' Basketball Spencer Griffiths- Varsity Wrestling Rebecca Boltz-JH Science Sarah Doe - Elem Girls' Basketball and Asst Varsity Girls' Basketball 2. Returning Teacher Contracts - Signed and Returned for 2023-2024
3. New Teacher Contracts: Bridgette Reiss-HS English
Maleah Schmeling - Elementary Teacher Tess Hoherz - Elementary Teacher Jennifer Dobitz - Elementary Teacher 4. Returning Administrator Contracts / Work Agreements - Signed and Returned for 2023-2024
4.C.c. Food Service Reports
4.C.d. Student Activity Reports
4.D. Administrative Reports
4.D.a. Elementary Principal-Mr. Cook
4.D.b. Secondary Principal-Mr. Kleeman
4.D.c. Building and Grounds-Mr. Dukart
4.D.d. Activities Director-Mr. Walker
4.D.e. Superintendent-Mr. Simmons
School Board Leadership Institute Take aways from the training last week was that 51% of a school board meeting should be about student outcomes. On page 14-15 of our handout there are 12 outcome goals. The task of the board is to pick at least three. The training provided training on specific ways of setting up the goals, so the district will most likely see achievement. Additionally, the institute provided ways to cause board meetings to be more efficient and focused. One way we will create efficiency is to have administrators submit their report in BoardBook Premier and not have them report verbally unless the board has questions. Recent Events Tragedy reveals the true character of people. On Sunday texts and phone calls gathered people for a meeting that took place on Monday. The people who gathered are experienced, were calm, and worked for the greater good of the community and put their emotions aside to take care of a family. Decisions were made quickly, a plan was developed and executed. Make no mistake that Tuesday and Wednesday went as smoothly as they did because the leaders in this community came together and made it happen. Our hearts are broken for the family, but we can be proud of the community that came together to serve them in the time of greatest need. |
5. Program-SRO
6. Unfinished Business
6.A. Consider Policy ABCA -Copyrighted Materials and Intellectual Property
6.B. Consider Policy ACBA - Automated External Defibrillators (AED)
6.C. Consider Policy FGA - Student Education Records and Privacy
7. New Business
7.A. Consider Additional April Bills
7.B. Consider Kraus-Anderson Construction Pay Application #28
7.C. Consider update to the Extra-Curricular Agreement 2023-2024
7.D. Consider Assistant Activities Director position
7.E. Consider 2023 Dunn County School Grant Funding Application
7.F. Consider Policy HCAA - Purchasing
7.G. School Board Election 2023: Designation of Election Poll Hours, Appoint Election Workers and Election Worker Compensation Rate
8. Other
9. Announcements
9.A. Public Meeting for Approval of Dissolution of Halliday School District #19,
Monday, April 24, 2023, 1:00 PM CDT, CTE 15th Floor Conference Room, State Capitol, 600 E. Boulevard Avenue, Bismarck, North Dakota |
9.B. Next Regular Meeting: May 10, 2023 4:00 PM
9.C. Staff Recognition Night: May 10th @ 5:30 PM - American Legion Club
9.D. Fine Arts Banquet: May 15th @ 6:00pm in HS Commons
9.E. Honors Assembly: May 17th @ 2:00pm at High School
9.F. Athletic Banquet: May 22nd @ 6pm, High Plains Community Center
9.G. Graduation: May 28th @ 2:00 PM at High School
10. Adjourn