May 22, 2023 at 6:00 PM - Regular Board of Education Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order/Moment of Silence/Pledge of Allegiance
2. Items of Interest, Recognition and Inquiry
2.a. Board of Education Members
2.b. Administration
3. Academic Spotlight St. Clair Middle School, Mr. Bruce Holladay, Principal
Positivity Project |
4. Special Recognition
4.a. St. Clair County Community Mental Health Creative Arts Contests, Deb Johnson
4.b. SCCASB Scholarship recipient and mentor - Bryce Short (student) Mr. Robert York (mentor) SCHS
5. Consent Agenda
5.a. Approval of Minutes
5.a.i. Regular Board of Education Meeting April 24, 2023
5.a.ii. Special Board of Education Meeting May 10, 2023
5.b. Approval of Payment of Bills
5.c. Financial Statement
5.d. Schedule of Investments
5.e. Appointment of Gearing Elementary Principal
6. Department Reports
7. Committee Reports
8. Bond 2020 Discussion/Action Items
8.a. Computer Monitors, Craig Headlee
8.b. Student 1:1 Chromebooks, Craig Headlee
8.c. 2n1 Chrome Tablets, Craig Headlee
8.d. St. Clair High Gym Scoreboards, Sound System, and Shot Clocks, Craig Headlee
9. Information/Discussion Items
9.a. Bond 2020 Update, AUCH General Contractors
9.b. Emergency Operations Plan, Dave Kennedy
9.c. Illicit Discharge Elimination Policy, Kathleen McBride
9.d. Curriculum Purchases, Michael Walling
9.e. RESA Biennial Election
10. Closed Session Recommended Action: That the Board of Education goes into Closed Session pursuant to section 8 of the Open Meetings Act (Act 267 of 1976) Board discussion connected to the discipline of a student.
11. Recognition of Persons Wishing to Address the Board
This portion of the agenda is for citizens to address any questions or comments to the Board. The Board will listen, take comments and questions under advisement, and not respond at this time. The presiding officer will refer questions to the superintendent for research and response.
12. Action Items
12.a. RESA 2023-24 Budget Resolution
12.b. P.A. 152 of 2011 Resolution 80/20
12.c. 2015 Debt Balance Transfer
12.d. Food Service Contract
12.e. Purchase of Raptor Technologies
12.f. Purchase of Economic and Government Textbooks and Licenses
12.g. Purchase of Microscopes
12.h. Emergency Operations Plan
12.i. East China Education Association (ECEA) Contract Agreement
12.j. MEA Education Support Personnel Association (MEAESP) Contract Agreement
12.k. SEIU Local 517M (Custodial/Maintenance) Union Contract Agreement
12.l. Resolution Designating Local District's Election Representative
12.m. Student Discipline
13. Adjournment