May 21, 2024 at 6:00 PM - Regular Board Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call Meeting to Order
This meeting is a meeting of the Board of Education in public for the purpose of conducting the School District's business and is not to be considered a public community meeting. There is a time for public participation during the meeting as indicated in the agenda.
2. Pledge of Allegiance
Board President
The Board of Education will lead the Pledge of Allegiance.
3. Roll Call
Board President
The Board Secretary will administer roll call to establish that a quorum of the Board is present and to determine which Board members are present at the start of the meeting.
4. Agenda Changes
5. Public Comments - Participants are asked to keep comments to three (3) minutes.
Please notify the superintendent in writing at least two business days before the scheduled meetings of the Board of Education if you wish to address the Board but do not speak English, or if you have a handicap or disability that may prevent you from speaking to the Board. At this time, the Board will listen to comments from the public and others regarding both agenda action items and items that are not on the agenda. Per Board Policy #0167.3 each statement made by a participant shall be limited to three (3) minutes. This is the only opportunity for public comment. The Board President may add a second comment if there are more than 20 community members seeking to speak. The Board requests that, if you wish to speak, you provide us with your name, address, and affiliation with the district. Please limit your comment to three minutes. Comments should not be directed at individuals on the board, rather to the board as a whole. This is a meeting of the Board of Education being held in public. Board members will not respond to public comment but you may request a formal response for a later time.
6. Recognitions and Presentations
Recognition of retirees:
Todd Morgan, Behavior Specialist Dunlap Elementary Shawn Wemple, Paraprofessional North Penn Elementary Jerry Anderson, Mechanic Athletic Recognitions- Vivian Burns Girls Tennis Thomas Kurtz-LaCrosse Staff Recognitions- Rob Moran 300 Career Victories in coaching boys baseball Carly Swain MDE Social Studies Committee Chuck Saulsberry Calhoun County Sherrif's Department Deputy of the Year Student Recognition- Kay'Dence McClenney- Service as Student School Board Representative Presentations- Dr. Stephenie Bruce, Middle School Update Stephanie Lemmer, State of the Budget Presentation |
7. Communications
7.1. Student Representative Report
7.2. Superintendent's Report
The Superintendent will provide a bond update
8. Consent Agenda (Action)
8.1. Approval of the Agenda
8.2. Approval of Minutes
Approval of the meeting minutes from the
Regular Board Meeting April 16th, 2024 Special Board Meeting April 30, 2024 Special Board Meeting May 7, 2024 Closed Session Meeting May 7, 2024 |
8.3. Approve Check Registers
8.4. Approve Electronic Funds Transfer
8.5. Approve Finance Expenditure Report
8.6. Communications to the Board
9. Items Removed from Consent Agenda (Discussion and/or Action)
10. Items for Approval or Discussion (Discussion and/or Action)
Board President
10.1. Approval of April Bond Bills (Action)
It is the recommendation of the Director of Finance and Operations and the Superintendent that the Board approve the bond bills for the month of April for Triangle in the amount of $1,034,657.65 and Kingscott in the amount of $10,327.13. A summary of services rendered is attached.
10.2. Approval of the 2024-2025 CISD Budget (Action)
In April, the Director of Finance and Operations, Angena Schwartz, presented the ISD budget to the Board of Education. Each LEA is required to adopt an annual resolution approving the Intermediate School District's budget no later than June 1st. Mrs. Schwartz is recommending the Board adopt the CISD budget for the 24-25 school year.
10.3. Accept retirements (Action)
By tradition, the Pennfield BOE formally approves the retirement of employees in the district. It is the recommendation of the Superintendent to accept the retirement of Todd Morgan, Behavior Specialist at Dunlap Elementary, Shawn Wemple, Paraprofessional at North Penn Elementary, and Jerry Anderson, Bus Mechanic for the school district. Thank you for your service to our students, staff, and community, you will be missed and we wish you all the best in your retirement.
10.4. Approval of Overnight Senior Trip (Action)
Policy 2340 "Field and Other District Sponsored Trips" requires the board to formally approve district sponsored trips which are overnight. It is the recommendation of the High School Princpal that the Board of Education approve the overnight trip for graduating seniors which is sponsored and supervised by the PUP committee.
10.5. First Reading of NEOLA Policy Spring Update (Action)
Superintendent Lemmer met with the policy committee to review the NEOLA Spring Update and is recommending that the Board of Education approve the first reading of the following policies which are included in your board packet along with an overview of each of the changes:
Policy 1240 Evaluation of the Superintendent (Revision) Policy 2410 Prohibition of referral or assistance (Rescind) Policy 2414 Reproductive Health and Family Planning (Revision) Policy 2418 Sex Education (Revision) Policy 3220 Professional Staff Evaluation (Revision) Policy 6320 Purchasing (Revision) Policy 6321 New School Construction and Renovation (Revision) Policy 6325 Procurement Federal Grants/Funds (Revision) Policy 6350 Prevailing Wage (New) Policy 6520 Payroll Deductions (Revision) Policy 8800 Religious/Patriotic Ceremonies and Observances (Revision) |
10.6. Approval of the Pennfield Paraprofessional Contract 2024-2025 (Action)
Superintendent Lemmer, Director of Finance and Operations Mrs. Schwartz, and Dr. Stephenie Bruce, Middle Schools Principal, are recommending the Board of Education approve the 24-25 contract for paraprofessionals which includes some grammatical updates, and compensation increased from $16/hour to $18/hour.
10.7. Approve Entering Closed Session (Action)
The Superintendent has requested the Board of Education enter closed session for the purposes of conducting her annual evaluation has permitted by the Open Meetings Act Section 8 (a).
10.8. Return to Open Meeting
The Board is returning to Open Meeting At__________. Is there a motion?
10.9. Approval of the Superintendent's 23-24 Evaluation (Action)
The Board of Education is required to approve the effectiveness rating of the Superintendents Evaluation in an Open Meeting.
11. Board Comments
Board President
12. Adjournment
Board President