November 7, 2022 at 6:30 PM - Regular Board Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call Meeting to Order
This meeting is a meeting of the Board of Education in public for the purpose of conducting the School District's business and is not to be considered a public community meeting. There is a time for public participation during the meeting as indicated in the agenda.
2. Pledge of Allegiance
Board President
The Board of Education will lead the Pledge of Allegiance.
3. Roll Call
Board President
The Board Secretary will administer roll call to establish that a quorum of the Board is present and to determine which Board members are present at the start of the meeting.
4. Agenda Changes
5. Public Comments - Participants are asked to keep comments to three (3) minutes.
Please notify the superintendent in writing at least two business days before the scheduled meetings of the Board of Education if you wish to address the Board but do not speak English, or if you have a handicap or disability that may prevent you from speaking to the Board. At this time, the Board will listen to comments from the public and others regarding both agenda action items and items that are not on the agenda. Per Board Policy #0167.3 each statement made by a participant shall be limited to three (3) minutes. This is the only opportunity for public comment. The Board President may add a second comment if there are more than 20 community members seeking to speak. The Board requests that, if you wish to speak, you provide us with your name, address, and affiliation with the district. Please limit your comment to three minutes. Comments should not be directed at individuals on the board, rather to the board as a whole. This is a meeting of the Board of Education being held in public. Board members will not respond to public comment but you may request a formal response for a later time.
6. Recognitions and Presentations
7. Communications
7.1. Student Representative Report
7.2. Superintendent's Report
Superintendent Lemmer
8. Consent Agenda (Action)
8.1. Approval of the Agenda
8.2. Approval of Minutes
8.2.1. Minutes of the Monday October 17, 2022, regular meeting
8.3. Approve Check Register
8.4. Approve Electronic Funds Transfer
8.5. Approve Finance Expenditure Report
8.6. Communications to the Board
8.7. Approve Summer Annual Tax Resolution
It is recommended that the Board approves the Annual Tax Resolution to continue to collect 50% of the property taxes in the summer.
9. Items Removed from Consent Agenda
10. Items for Approval or Discussion
Board President
10.1. Resolution to Suspend Bylaw 0142.5 to Fill School Board Vacancy (Action)
Due to the resignation of trustee Jeff Wolfersberger, on October 14, 2022, the school board has a vacancy for the term that expires on December 31, 2022.
Due to the circumstances related to the current vacancy, the School Board believes that it is the best interest of the School Board and compelling reasons exist to fill the vacancy without following the procedures identified in Bylaw 0142.5 by appointing a board member-elect who is elected to a full-term that begins on January 1, 2023.
10.2. Approval of Senior Graduation Trip- May 31, 2023-June 1, 2023 (Action)
Superintendent Lemmer is recommending the Board approve the Senior 2023 PUP trip. Per Board Policy 2340 which requires board approval of overnight district-sponsored trips.
10.3. Approval of Bid Package #2 and Alternate #4 (Action)
Superintendent Lemmer is recommending the approval of Bid Package #2, which includes the High School Stadium, Track, Concessions, Secured Entrance and Middle School Roof. The total cost of Bid Package #2 is $5,085,466 to be paid for out of bond funds. Alternate #4 includes the Synthetic Field Turf . The cost for Alternate #4 is $586,784.78 which will be paid for out of Capitol Improvement Funds.
10.4. Approval of Hood Vent Systems (Action)
Superintendent Lemmer is recommending the approval of hood vent systems in the Dunlap Elementary and Pennfield Middle School kitchens. The funds will come from the food services budget, which has a large spend-down.
The cost for Dunlap is $42,525.65 and the cost for Pennfield Middle is $50,804.85. |
10.5. Approval of Policies for First Reading (Action)
Board President
10.5.1. Policy 7440.03 Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems
Board President
The only revision is updating the statute at the end of the policy to connect it to 86 FR 4314 which is the reference to a new Federal Rule that outlines the rules regarding the flight of drones over people at night.
10.5.2. Policy 6700 Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) (Revised)
FLSA requires that we provide reasonable breaks and private facilities during their first year after the birth of a child to non-exempt employees, such as bus drivers, custodians, secretaries, and parapros. We are not required to provide this to teachers, administrators. The policy revision is written in a way that we will provide the accommodation for all employees regardless of exempt or nonexempt status. |
10.5.3. Policy 6108- Authorization to us Electronic Transfer of Funds and Automated Clearing House Arrangements (New)
Michigan State Statute requires districts to have a written ACH policy in place in order to utilize electronic fund transfers and automated clearing house (ACH) arrangements and transactions. |
11. Closed Session to Discuss Materials Exempt from Disclosure under Section 13 of FOIA.
Board President
Superintendent Lemmer is recommending the Board move into closed session to discuss attorney-client privileged information.
12. Board Comments
Board President
13. Adjournment
Board President