March 18, 2024 at 5:45 PM - Regular School Board Meeting
Agenda |
I. Call to Order
II. Pledge of Allegiance
III. Approval of Agenda
III.A. Action to approve agenda
IV. Recognition of Communications Since Last Meeting
Communications received by Board Members:
V. Open Dialogue
Each person in the audience will be given three minutes - total time of 15 minutes.
VI. Approval of Consent Agenda
Approve previous minutes
Approve Bills |
VII. Reports
Administrative Reports:
VIII. New Business
VIII.A. Action to approve the Resolution to dissolve the Boys and Girls Golf Co-Op between Mayer Lutheran High School and Lester Prairie High School.
VIII.B. Action to approve the Resolution to dissolve the Boys and Girls Cross Country Co-Op between Mayer Lutheran High School and Lester Prairie High School.
VIII.C. Action to approve the 2024-2025 School Calendar establishing 171.5 student days for grades 7-12; 169.5 student days for K-6; and 181 teacher duty days.
VIII.D. Action to designate the Identified Official with Authority for ISD #424.
Designation of Identified Official with Authority (IOwA) for the MDE External User Access Recertification SystemThe MN Department of Education (MDE) requires that school districts annually designate an Identified Official with Authority to comply with the MHIT Enterprise Identity and Access Management Standard which states that all user access rights to Minnesota state systems must be reviewed and recertified at least annually. The Identified Official with Authority will assign job duties and authorize external user’s access to MDE secure systems for their local education agency (LEA). The Board recommends to authorize Superintendent Melissa Radeke to act as the Identified Official with Authority (IOwA) for Lester Prairie Public School District 0424-01.
IX. Old Business
X. School Finance
X.A. Action to approve the FY 25-27 Achievement and Integration Plan and budget.
XI. Policy Administration
XII. Personnel
XII.A. Action to approve contract for Mary Wenisch as Special Education teacher for the 2024-25 school year.
XIII. Other Items for the Board
XIV. Adjourn the Regular Board Meeting