May 8, 2023 at 8:00 AM - Special Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order, Establish a Quorum, Pledge of Allegiance
2. Public Comment
3. Discussion and Consideration: Granting temporary authority to the Superintendent to offer contracts for positions that are not identified as administration. This temporary period would last no longer than 90 days and be subject to review at subsequent meetings of the Board of Trustees.
4. Discussion and Consideration: The current status of the district's transportation fleet, specifically the district's buses.
4.a. Purchase of 1 bus
4.b. Purchase of 2 buses
5. Closed/Executive Session: For the purposes permitted by the Texas Open Meetings Act, TEXAS GOVERNMENT CODES 551.001 et seq.; including but not limited to:
5.a. 551-074 - Personnel Matters - Consideration of resignation, assignment, contracts, reassignment and/or compensation of personnel
5.a.1. Elementary Teacher Positions (2)
5.b. 551.072 - Deliberations about Real Property
5.c. 551-076 - Safety & Security
6. Closed Session ended and Open Session began _____________
7. Action Resulting from Closed/Executive Session:
8. Adjournment