May 18, 2022 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order, Pledge of Allegiance, Establish a Quorum
2. Student/Teacher Recognition
3. Public Comment
4. Discussion and Consideration: Canvass votes of the May 7, 2022 Trustee Election
5. Oath of Office to Newly Elected Board Members
6. Reorganization of Board Officers
7. Discussion and Consideration: Consent Agenda Items
7.a. Minutes of Board Meetings: The Board will consider minutes of the meetings of April 25, 2022 and May 3, 2022
7.b. Financial Reports: The Board will consider the Financial Reports including the Investment Report and the Tax Office Report
7.c. Updated 2021-2022 Substitute List: The Board will consider updates to the Substitute Teacher List
Substitutes added:
8. Information Only: Check Register for April 2022 - Invoices are available for review by Board Members prior to the meeting.
9. Discussion and Consideration: E3 Entegral Solutions Energy Efficiency and Conservation Program
Steven Monkres will present the proposal for retrofitting lighting and energy management systems.
10. Discussion and Consideration: Elementary Cafeteria Renovation Change Order
Sam Kenshalo will present a change order to the Elementary Cafeteria renovations to add bathrooms for the 2 classrooms. The changes and estimate are attached.
11. Discussion and Consideration: Signage for the Electra ISD Transportation Facility
Several different options for signage for the Transportation Facility were presented to the Board for their consideration.
12. Discussion and Consideration: Scoreboard for Electra ISD Football Field
BSN Sports has provided a revised quote for the scoreboard at the Football field. The total cost is $36,469.99. This is proposed to be a joint effort by the listed entities who have pledged to provide the following funding:
13. Discussion and Consideration: Addition of Policy EFB (Local) Regarding Library Content - 2nd Reading
This will be the 2nd reading of the Policy EFB (Local). The Letter from the Deputy Commissioner of Governance & Accountability is included along with the proposed amended policy.
14. Discussion and Consideration: Amendment to Policy CB (Local) - 1st Reading
15. Discussion and Consideration: Tax Resale Deed - 317 S Waggoner, Electra TX 76360
16. Superintendent Report:
16.a. Principals Report
16.b. End of Year Activities - Baccalaurte/Graduation
16.c. Solar Farm Update
16.d. Next Regular Scheduled Meeting: June 27, 2022
17. Closed/Executive Session: For the purposes permitted by the Texas Open Meetings Act, TEXAS GOVERNMENT CODES 551.001 et seq.; including but not limited to:
17.a. 551-074 - Personnel Matters - Consideration of resignation, assignment, contracts, reassignment and/or compensation of personnel
17.a.1. Band Director Contract
17.a.2. Teacher Contracts
17.b. 551.072 - Deliberations about Real Property
18. Action Resulting from Closed/Executive Session:
19. Adjourn