June 15, 2022 at 6:00 PM - School Board Special Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
2. Flag Salute
3. Land Acknowledgment
"The Sitka School Board acknowledges that our schools are located on the ancestral homelands of the Tlingit people who have lived in Sheet’ka since time immemorial. We express our deepest respect and gratitude for our indigenous neighbors, the Tlingit for their enduring care and protection of Tlingit Aani."
4. Roll Call
5. Approval of the Proposed Agenda and Consent Agenda
(All items listed under Agenda & Consent Agenda are considered routine by the School Board and will be approved in one motion. Items may be removed at the request of a School Board Member.)
5.a. June 1, 2022 Minutes
5.b. Approval of BP 3440 - Inventories - Second Reading
This update corrects the dollar value of items that the Superintendent must maintain an inventory of, from a value over $500 to a value over $5,000. This update also adds a reference to BP 3440.1, Fixed Assets Capitalization.
5.c. ADOPTION of BP 3440.1 Fixed Asset Capitalization - Second Reading
ADOPTION of BP 3440.1 - Fixed Assets Capitalization - First Reading
5.d. Approval of BP 3540 - Transportation - Second Reading
This update clarifies that there must be adequate space on a bus schedule so that transportation to charter schools does not interfere with transportation to attendance area schools. It also makes stylistic changes.
5.e. Approval of BP 3541.1 - School Related Trips - Second Reading
This update raises the recommended amount of private insurance for persons transporting students to $1,000,000. It also revises the school related trip section to ensure that trips in school vans are covered by policy.
5.f. Approval of BP 3541.5 - Alternative Transportation Arrangements - Second Reading
This update removes the monetary requirement for districts that wish to adopt in-lieu-of transportation arrangements with parents.
5.g. Approval of BP 3550 - Food Service - Second Reading
This update includes language to recognize various dietary guidelines that may apply to different districts. It also updated nutrition terminology. Finally, it updates language authorizing the use of independent contractors to perform food services.
5.h. Approval of BP 3554 - Other Food Sales - Second Reading
This update makes the food sale policy inclusive of all District programs and adds language to allow entities or organizations that fall outside the requirements of the National School Lunch Act and the Nutrition Standards for All Foods Sold in Schools (e.g., bake sales, fundraising events, class parties, etc.).
6. Persons to be Heard
Persons to be Heard Preamble Persons to be Heard is an opportunity for members of the public to speak to the Board about a topic that is not on the agenda. As these are not agenda items, no board deliberation or action will occur in response. Questions for clarification may be posed by Board members. The Board may choose to refer items to the Superintendent (or designee) for further action. The standard time limit for comments will be 3 minutes, unless otherwise stated by the Board President, with consent of the Board. A timer is used, and a sound will indicate when time expires. All comments must be respectful and charges or complaints against specific employees are not permitted (per Alaska state statute). Members of the public are referred to Board Policies 1312, 1312.1, 1312.2, 1312.3 (and associated Administrative Regulations), as well as to Board Bylaw 9323(a), for information about how to lodge complaints. Speakers are also asked to please state their full name for the record, prior to speaking. |
7. New Business
7.a. Interview Candidates for Vacant Board Seats
Candidates will be interviewed one at a time (in order of when they submitted their letter of interest): Valerie Nelson, Tristan Guevin, Mitch Mork, Sarah Harris, and Laurie Serka.
7.b. Appointment of School Board Vacant Seats
A Board member will make a motion to appoint an applicant to fill one of the open seats.
7.c. Oaths of Office
The School Board Secretary will administer the Oaths of Office to the newly appointed School Board members.
7.d. School Board Reorganization
7.d.1. Election of Officers
For each office, starting with the President of the Board, each Board member will, by secret ballot, nominate one person. The ballots will be passed to Dawn, who will count the ballots and announce one of the following:
1) That one person has received three or more votes. If this situation occurs, a Board member will officially move to elect that person as Board President. (Call for a voice vote after the motion) 2) That no one has received three votes and will announce the top two nominees. If this second situation occurs, there will be a second ballot with only the two named people as potential candidates, and then the same steps will follow. Proceed with the election of the President. (see motion to elect the new Board President) Then the gavel will be passed to the newly elected President who will conduct the election of the two remaining seats, Vice President and Clerk. |
8. Future Agenda Items/Upcoming Events
8.a. Back to School Staff Inservice - August 16, 2022, 8:30a.m. in PAC
8.b. Next Regular School Board Meeting - August 17, 2022, 6:00 p.m. at Harrigan Centennial Hall
8.c. First Day of School - August 23, 2022
9. Adjournment