May 4, 2022 at 6:00 PM - School Board Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
2. Flag Salute
3. Land Acknowledgment
"The Sitka School Board acknowledges that our schools are located on the ancestral homelands of the Tlingit people who have lived in Sheet’ka since time immemorial. We express our deepest respect and gratitude for our indigenous neighbors, the Tlingit for their enduring care and protection of Tlingit Aani."
4. Roll Call
5. Approval of the Proposed Agenda and Consent Agenda
Roll Call Vote is Required
(All items listed under Agenda & Consent Agenda are considered routine by the School Board and will be approved in one motion. Items may be removed at the request of a School Board Member.) |
5.a. April 6, 2022 Minutes
5.b. April 18, 2022 Minutes
5.c. April 20, 2022 Minutes
5.d. Personnel Report
5.e. NANA Lunch RFP
5.f. Approve 2022-2023 and 2023-2024 School Calendars - 2nd Reading
5.g. Adoption of Canvas Learning Management System in SSD - 2nd Reading
5.h. Sealaska Heritage Institute Middle School STEAM MOA
5.i. Sealaska Heritage Institute: Thru the Cultural Lens MOA
5.j. Approval of BP 3100 - Budget - First Reading
This update provides stylistic edits to the Board’s budget process, and clarifies the importance of public input in the budgetary process. Formal adoption by the School Board is not required.
5.k. Approval of AR 3100 - Budget - First Reading
This update recognizes that some local ordinances may require a date earlier than May for the adoption of a budget.
5.l. Approval of BP 3200 - Revenue - First Reading
This update replaces the term 'income' with 'revenue.'
5.m. Approval of BP 3260 - Materials Fees - First Reading
This update provides stylistic edits to the Board’s material fees program.
5.n. Approval of BP 3400 - Management of District Assets and Accounts - First Reading
This update provides stylistic edits to the management of district accounts policy.
5.o. Approval of BP 3440 - Inventories - First Reading
This update adds a reference to BP 3440.1, Fixed Assets Capitalization.
5.p. Approval of AR 3515 - School Safety and Security - First Reading
This update strengthens best practices for security and safety in school buildings.
5.q. Approval of BP 3530 - Risk Management - First Reading
This update emphasizes Board intent to maintain a robust risk management program.
6. Special Reports: Government to Government
7. Recognitions
7.a. National Teacher Appreciation Day and National Teacher Appreciation Week
7.b. Recognize Spirit of Youth Award recipients.
Spirit of Youth Award Recipients: Stephen Harmon, Darby Osborne, Elijah "Dylan" Dumag, Tyler Barton, Deszerei Chong Balingit, Isabelle Williams
7.c. National Honor Society Tutors at BMS
National Honor Society Tutors at BMS: Addie Poulson, Stephen Harmon, Asa Dow, Darby Osborne, Razie Guillory, Jessie Christner, Anna Prussian, Tyler Adres, Macee Steinson
8. Persons to be Heard
Persons to be Heard Preamble Persons to be Heard is an opportunity for members of the public to speak to the Board about a topic that is not on the agenda. As these are not agenda items, no board deliberation or action will occur in response. Questions for clarification may be posed by Board members. The Board may choose to refer items to the Superintendent (or designee) for further action. The standard time limit for comments will be 3 minutes, unless otherwise stated by the Board President, with consent of the Board. A timer is used, and a sound will indicate when time expires. All comments must be respectful and charges or complaints against specific employees are not permitted (per Alaska state statute). Members of the public are referred to Board Policies 1312, 1312.1, 1312.2, 1312.3 (and associated Administrative Regulations), as well as to Board Bylaw 9323(a), for information about how to lodge complaints. Speakers are also asked to please state their full name for the record, prior to speaking. |
9. School Highlights - PHS and SHS
10. Reports and Presentations
11. Board Member Reports
12. Administrative Reports
12.a. Budget Update
12.b. Enrollment Update
12.c. Superintendent Update
13. New Business
13.a. Discussion of Renaming Baranof Elementary School
13.b. PHS Garden Greenhouse RFP
PHS Garden Greenhouse RFP
13.c. Rescheduling June School Board Meeting
Reschedule the June School Board meeting to June 1, 2022.
13.d. Approval of BP 3000 - Concepts and Roles - First Reading
This update clarifies the working relationship between the Board and Superintendent, as well stylistic edits to better reflect the Board’s fiscal practices.
13.e. Approval of BP 3270 - Sale and Disposal of Books, Equipment, and Supplies - First Reading
This update provides the Superintendent greater discretion to dispose of used District property, in an amount up to $5,000.
13.f. Approval of BP 3290 - Gifts, Grants, and Bequests - First Reading
To ensure appropriate oversight, this update establishes that all donations greater than $1,000 shall be brought before the Board. It also states that the Superintendent may apply for special revenue grants.
13.g. Approval of BP 3300 - Expenditures/Expending Authority - First Reading
This update removes the requirement that the Board approve or ratify all transactions. Transactions may still be subject to Board approval elsewhere in board policy.
13.h. Approval of BP 3315 - Relations With Vendors - First Reading
This update adds a conflict of interest provision for awards with federal funds.
13.i. ADOPTION of BP 3440.1 Fixed Asset Capitalization - First Reading
For Adoption
13.j. Approval of BP 3450 - Money in School Buildings - First Reading
This update strengthens best practices for the maintenance of liquid money in school buildings.
13.k. ADOPTION of AR 3450 - Petty Cash Funds - First Reading
This update renumbers AR 3451 and associates it with AR 3450.
13.l. ADOPTION of BP 3470 - Fund Balance Classification - First Reading
This update clarifies the definition of the committed fund balance and assigned fund balance. It also adds reference to the DEED Uniform Chart of Accounts.
13.m. Approval of BP 3510 - Maintenance - First Reading
This update provides greater clarity regarding the Superintendent's role in assuring proper inspection and maintenance of district buildings.
13.n. Approval of BP 3514.1 - Hazardous Substances and Pesticides - First Reading
This update clarifies Board and Superintendent roles in the management of hazardous substances.
13.o. Approval of BP 3515 - School Safety and Security - First Reading
This update provides stylistic edits to the management of school safety and security policy. It also adds several policy references.
13.p. ADOPTION of BP 3515.6 - Use of School Safety Video Surveillance Monitoring Systems - First Reading
This update makes grammatical corrections to BP 3515.6.
14. Correspondence and Information (Separate Packet)
15. Future Agenda Items/Upcoming Events
15.a. Policy Committee - May 11, 2022 6:00PM, District Office Boardroom
15.b. PHS Graduation - Saturday, May 14, 2022, 2:00 pm at Odess Theater, Sitka Fine Arts Campus
15.c. SHS Graduation - Monday, May 16, 2022, 7:00 pm in SHS Gym
15.d. Next Regular School Board Meeting - June 22, 2022, 6:00 p.m. Harrigan Centennial Hall.
16. Adjournment