April 25, 2023 at 6:00 PM - School Board Regular Business Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order and Roll Call
Jackie Mosqueda-Jones, Board Chair
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Additions to Agenda
4. Acceptance of Agenda
5. Recognitions
5.A. Park Center Senior High School Competitive Cheer Squad (2023 State Champions)
5.B. Osseo Senior High School Business Professionals of America (3rd Place at State and National Qualifier)
5.C. Park Center Senior High School Boys Basketball (2nd Place at State)
6. School Board Student Representative Reports
7. Audience Opportunity to Address the School Board
8. Superintendent's Report
Cory McIntyre, Superintendent
9. School Board Committee Reports
10. Presentations
10.A. Building a Better Future Phase II: Superintendent's Recommendation to authorize a special election (This agenda item was listed as an action item on the original agenda. Motion passed to move Building a Better Future Phase II to a presentation for the purpose of sharing information.)
Cory McIntyre Superintendent; John Morstad, Executive Director of Finance and Operations; Kay Villella, Executive Director of Community Relations
10.B. Presentation: Monitoring Report: Strategic Direction B Initiatives
Bryan Bass, Assistant Superintendent of Equity and Achievement and Robin Gunsolus, Director of Learning and Achievement
11. Consent Agenda
11.A. Minutes of the regular meeting of March 21, 2023
11.B. Minutes of the negotiation strategies meeting of March 21, 2023
11.C. Financial reports for the month of March 2023
11.D. Payment of items for the month of March 2023
11.E. Extended Educational Trips
11.G. Acceptance of the 2022-2023 Park Center High School BARR Center Network for School Improvement Grant in the amount of $7,788 and authorize an expenditure and budget appropriation in the amount of $7,788
11.H. Acceptance of the 2022-2023 Statewide Health Improvement Program (SHIP) - School Wellness Grant in the amount of $12,250 and authorize an expenditure and budget appropriation in the amount of $12,250
11.I. Personnel
11.J. Enrollment Capacity and Management Advisory Committee report and recommendations
11.K. Long-term Facilities Maintenance Plan (LTFM) for ISD 287
11.L. LTFM bid award: Adult Basic Education (ABE) office renovation
12. Action Items
12.A. Recommendation for Approval, United Health Care UMR and Delta Dental, insurance premiums effective July 1, 2023
Laurel Anderson, Executive Director of Human Resources
12.B. Recommendation for Approval, Individual Employment Contract between Independent School District 279 School Board and Amy Moore, District General Counsel, effective July 1, 2023
Laurel Anderson, Executive Director of Human Resources
12.C. Gifts to the district totaling $196,408.18
13. Adjournment
Jackie Mosqueda-Jones, Board Chair