March 11, 2025 at 5:30 PM - Regular Meeting of the Board of Education
Agenda | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1. Call to Order
2. Roll Call and Determination of Quorum
3. Public Expressions
The public may comment only on any item appearing on this agenda, subject to the following restrictions: statements to the Board of Education by members of the public are limited to no more than three (3) minutes for each speaker unless altered by the presiding officer, with the approval of the board and, collectively, no more than 15 minutes are allowed for public expressions unless permitted by a majority vote of the board.
4. Moment of Silence, Pledge of Allegiance – Mission
5. Superintendent's Report
5.A. District Update by Mr. Aaron Collins, Superintendent/CEO
5.B. Presentations/Recognitions
5.C. Financial
5.C.1. Treasurer's Report for the month of February 2025 - Bruce Campbell, District Treasurer
5.D. Dates of Upcoming Events [Administration]
6. Board Member Reports
Appointment by the Board President of an Ad Hoc Board Nominating Committee to recommend a proposed slate of Board Officers [President, Vice-President, and Clerk], and present the proposed slate of officers at the April 8, 2025, Board Meeting. (no action required) |
7. Board Reports for Review (no action required):
David Martin, Deputy Superintendent Jeremy Cowley, Associate Superintendent, Innovation & Knowledge Management Romel Muex-Pullen, Associate Superintendent, Quality & Strategy Management Ronald Grant, Senior Director, Business & Finance Robyn Miller, Senior Director, Operations Jessica Martinez-Brooks, Senior Director, Strategic Communications & Engagement Kayleen Wichert, Senior Director, Instructional Quality & Workforce Engagement |
8. Motion, discussion and possible vote to approve or disapprove the Minutes of the February 11, 2025, Regular Board Meeting. [Administration]
9. Motion and possible vote to approve or disapprove the Consent Docket Item(s):
[The following matters may be approved in their entirety by the Board upon motion made, seconded and passed by a majority vote of the Board members. [However, upon request by any Board member, anyone or more of said matters will be removed from the consent docket and acted upon separately.] A. Transfer of funds in the amount of $81,896.96 from the Activity Fund to the General Fund account for the month of February 2025. [Business & Finance] |
10. Motion, discussion and possible vote to approve or disapprove Personnel Items [Human Resources]
10.A. Employment of the persons listed below:
10.A.1. Regular Full-Time (employees completing probationary employment):
10.A.2. Part-Time, Adjunct Faculty & Business & Industry Services Division: [Attached]
10.B. Transfer:
10.C. Release/Resignation/Retirement of:
10.C.1. New Positions: (Reviewed by Board Personnel Committee 02/25/2025)
Facilities Technician Coordinator, Outreach & Recruitment |
10.D. Revised Job Titles and/or Job Descriptions [Reviewed by Personnel Committee 02/25/2025]
11. Motion, discussion and possible vote to approve or disapprove the following Encumbrances and Purchasing Items:
11.A. FY2025 Encumbrances PO #2503237- PO #2503530 (see attachment for a full list of the encumbrances). [Business & Finance]
General Fund $407,245.09 Building Fund $382,638.16 Bond Fund $ 6,895.40 Register Total $796,778.65 |
11.B. Encumbrance to Tremco (Weatherproofing Technologies) for restoration services on the remaining 7 Air Handlers at District Center, total amount of $362,470.93. [Operations]
11.C. Encumbrance for Firetrol Protection Systems to install a Public Address System at the South Bryant Campus for $210,113. [Operations]
11.D. Encumbrance for Blackmon Mooring to do duct cleaning District wide in the amount of $105,000. [Operations]
11.E. Agreement with Durante Construction, Inc., as general contractors for the Metro Technology Centers, Springlake - Water Well Rehabilitation Project in the amount of $37,830.40, (Pricing, terms and conditions per quote). Bond funds will be utilized for this project. [Operations]
11.F. Encumbrance to Joultech Solutions to conduct an audit compliance of National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Cybersecurity framework standards per required government contracting grants in the amount of $47,380.21. [Information Technology Services]
11.G. Encumbrance to Oklahoma Direct in the amount of $27,635.00 for printing 2,500 short-term catalogs, and the printing and mailing of 75, 000 postcards. [Strategic Communications and Marketing].
12. New Business
[New Business is any matter not known about or which could not have been reasonably foreseen prior to the time of posting. 25 Okla. Stat. §311 (A) (9).]
13. Adjournment
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Notice of this Regular Meeting was received by the Oklahoma County Clerk at 9:18 a.m. on October 17, 2024. The date, time, location and agenda for this meeting were posted on Metro Tech's external website as well as posted on the north and south entrances of the District Center, located at 1900 Springlake Drive, Oklahoma City, OK., in accordance with the Oklahoma Open Meeting Act.