May 9, 2023 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call the Meeting to Order
Mr. Alan Swinford
2. Verification of Compliance with Open Meeting Law - this is to Certify that the Provisions of Section 551.001 of the Texas Government Code have been met in Connection with the Public Notice of this Meeting.
Board President - Alan Swinford
3. Invocation
Mr. Alan Swinford
4. Pledges to the United States and Texas Flags
5. Recognition of Visitors
Mr. Alan Swinford
6. Public Forum
Mr. Alan Swinford
7. Special Recognitions
7.a. Recognition of First Team and Second Team Basketball All District Players
7.b. Recognition of Track State Qualifier
7.c. Class of 2023 Valedictorian (Kenley Seabourn) and Salutatorian (Hanna Erfanian)
8. Discussion Items and District Reports
8.a. District Safety Report
Hector Limon
9. Superintendent's Report
Janet Hunt
10. Administration of Board of Trustees Oath of Office for Districts 1 and 2
11. Action Items
11.a. Discussion of and Request for Approval of Amendment #5
Sylvia Villegas
11.b. Discussion of and Request for Approval to Repeal of all Previously Adopted Policies and Readoption of all (LOCAL) Policies as Prepared by TASB Policy Service and Included in the Reprinted Manual
Janet Hunt
These policies have been approved individually. This will be to approve the updated manual.
11.c. Discussion of and Request for Approval of Memorandum of Understanding with the University of Texas Permian Basin
Janet Hunt
11.d. Discussion of and Request for Approval to Accept the School Calendar for 2023-2024
Janet Hunt
12. Executive Session to Include:
12.a. Texas Government Code § 551.074– Discuss, Appoint, Employment, Evaluation, Reasignment Duties, Discipline or Dismissal of an Employee
12.b. Texas Government Code § 551.074–Deliberation Regarding Superintendent Evaluation and Contract
13. Action Item
13.a. Deliberation and Action to Appoint /Elect Board Officers
14. Consent Agenda to Include:
14.a. Minutes of Previous Meeting (s)
14.b. Financial Report and Current Bills
15. Information Items
15.a. Gifts & Donations
15.b. Federal Grants
16. Future Agenda Items
17. Adjournment