October 26, 2021 at 6:00 PM - Special Meeting/ Board Workshop
Agenda |
1. Call the Meeting to Order
Mr. Alan Swinford
2. Verification of Compliance with Open Meeting Law - this is to Certify that the Provisions of Section 551.001 of the Texas Government Code have been met in Connection with the Public Notice of this Meeting.
Board President - Alan Swinford
3. Public Forum
Mr. Alan Swinford
4. Action Item
4.a. Discussion of and Request for Approval of Compensation for Interim Maintenance & Transportation Director
Dr. Stephanie Howard
5. Discussion Items
5.a. Discussion of Long-Range Facility Planning and Bond Committee
6. Executive Session to Include:
6.a. Personnel- Discuss, Appoint, Employment, Evaluation, Reassignment Duties, Discipline or Dismissal of an Employee Under Govt. Code 551.074
7. Superintendent's Report
Dr. Stephanie Howard
8. Future Agenda Items
9. Adjournment