August 3, 2022 at 6:00 PM - Regular School Board Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call To Order
2. Roll Call of Attendance
3. Approval of Agenda
Recommended Motion(s):
Approval of Agenda
4. Board Calendar Dates
Wednesday, September 7, 2022 - School Board Meeting at 6:00 p.m. Wednesday, September 28, 2022 - School Board Retreat at 4:30 p.m. |
5. Questions and/or Comments from Citizens Present on Non-Agenda Items
Visitors attending the meeting who wish to address the school board on any issue that is not on the agenda may do so at this time. We ask that you complete the Request to Address the School Board form linked here prior to the school board meeting.
6. Presentations and Discussion Items
6.1. Legislative Update
Valerie Dosland, lobbyist, Ewald Consulting
6.2. Appointments to Board Committees for 2022-23
6.3. QComp
7. Superintendent's Report
8. Approval of the Consent Agenda
Recommended Motion(s):
The Superintendent recommends the School Board approve the Consent Agenda as detailed in the enclosure.
8.1. Minutes
Meeting Minutes from June 1, 2022
8.2. Payment of Bills and ACH Payments
$8,950,517.62 for check numbers *600963-601114, ACH payments and Wires except for voids as marked on check register.
8.3. Personnel
Employment, Resignations, Eliminate Positions, Adjust Hours/FTE, Leave of Absence, Reassignments/Transfers, New Positions
8.4. Donations
Northeast Metro 916 received miscellaneous sensory tools from Diane and Bob Kilian. Northeast Metro 916 received a food donation for the ALC Graduation Ceremony from Kendrix Bady/Kazori Ransom. Automotive Technology received a 2002 Lexus RX 300 from Loren Varney. Automotive Technology received a 2001 Mercury Sable from Tony Waldner. Automotive Technology received a 2002 Chevrolet Malibu from Kim Vanswol. |
8.5. Approval of Changes to Credit Cards and Card Holders
US Bank Purchasing Card: NEW CARDS as of 06/06/2022 Summer Transition 1 - Credit Limit $1500 Summer Transition 2 - Credit Limit $1500 Summer Transition 3 - Credit Limit $1500 Summer Transition 4 - Credit Limit $1500 Summer Transition 5 - Credit Limit $1500 Summer Transition 6 - Credit Limit $1500 US Bank Purchasing Card: NEW CARDS as of 06/22/2022 District Office 1 - Credit Limit $2500 District Office 2 - Credit Limit $2500 |
8.6. Establishment of Board Professional Memberships for 2022-23
Minnesota School Boards Association (MSBA) - $11,127.00
Metro Educational Cooperative Service Unit (ECSU) - $1000.00 Association of Metropolitan School Districts (AMSD) - $6,720.00 |
8.7. Approval of Canvas Health Contract for EMHC and Special Projects
The purpose of this agreement is to facilitate the delivery of mental health and related services to students attending Northeast Metro 916 Intermediate District programs. These services are provided through the School-Linked Mental Health Grant and delivered by Canvas Health therapists in the EMHC classrooms and through special projects. This contract begins September 1, 2022 and is in effect through August 31, 2023.
8.8. Waiver of Pledge of Allegiance Requirement
Our school board policy 531 outlines the pledge of allegiance expectations. Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes 121A.11, subd. 3 (2) local school boards may waive this requirement annually. It is recommended that Northeast Metro 916 waive this requirement for all programs.
9. Action Items
9.1. Approval of Administrative Organizational Chart
The 2022-23 organizational chart for Northeast Metro 916.
Recommended Motion(s):
The Superintendent recommends that the School Board approve the Northeast Metro 916 organizational chart for 2022-23 as presented.
9.2. Approval of Avanti Center Agreement to Provide Educational Services
9.3. Approval of Contract Agreement with Ramsey County
This contract replaces the previous contract with Ramsey County Sheriff’s Department in which Ramsey County provided two full-time SROs at Quora Secondary School and East View Academy.
Recommended Motion(s):
The Superintendent recommends that the School Board authorize the administration to enter into a one-year contract agreement with Ramsey County, through the Ramsey County Sheriff's Department. The Ramsey County Sheriff's Department will provide two full-time School Resource Officers for the 2022-23 school year, one SRO at Quora Secondary School in the amount of $94,493.61 and one SRO at East View Academy in the amount of $110,244.43.
9.4. Approval of Food Service Agreements
Northeast Metro 916 contracts with our member districts to provide food services to the students in our programs located across multiple member districts.
Columbia Heights ISD #13 with Metro Heights Academy Roseville ISD #623 with Quora Education Center White Bear Lake #624 with Bellaire, Mahtomedi Academy, South Campus, and WELS N
Recommended Motion(s):
The Superintendent recommends that the School Board approve the food service agreements for the 2022-23 school year as listed above.
9.5. Approval of Aris Clinic Agreement to Provide Educational Services
The purpose of this agreement is to provide educational services to students at Aris Clinic for the 2022-23 and 2023-24 school years. This program is operated in Woodbury.
Recommended Motion(s):
The Superintendent recommends that the School Board approve the agreement between Aris Clinic and Northeast Metro 916 to provide educational services for children and adolescents with emotional and/or behavioral disorders who are admitted to Aris Clinic for the 2022-23 and 2023-24 school years. This contract will remain in effect through July 31, 2024 . The parties to this Agreement may renew this Agreement in one-year increments by executing a written renewal agreement at least sixty (60) days prior to expiration of the Agreement or any subsequent renewal period, subject to the same terms and conditions as this Agreement.
9.6. Approval of Canvas Health Agreement to Provide Mental Health Services Using TAP Services
The purpose of this agreement is to facilitate the delivery of mental health and related services to students attending Northeast Metro 916 Intermediate District programs. These services are provided through the School-Linked Mental Health Grant and delivered by Canvas Health TAP therapists.
Recommended Motion(s):
The Superintendent recommends that the School Board approve the agreement between Canvas Health and Northeast Metro 916 to provide mental health and related services to students enrolled at Northeast Metro 916 for the period of September 1, 2022 to August 31, 2023 in the amount of $183,976.36.
9.7. Approval of School Board Policies
These policies were presented for a first reading at the June 1 board meeting:
109: Equity (Walker) 413 Form: Harassment and Violence Report 524 Technology Responsible Use and Safety Policy 524 Form: Technology Responsible Use Agreement 524 Guidelines: Cloud Storage 524.1 Social Media Policy
Recommended Motion(s):
The Superintendent recommends that the School Board adopt the revised School Board policies as presented.
9.8. Re-submission of 2021 Pay Equity Report
The district will be re-submitting the 2021 Pay Equity Report on or before August 10, 2022. Pay equity reporting is required by Local Government Pay Equity Act M.S. 471.991-471.999 and Minnesota Rules Chapter 3920. The report is designed to reduce pay inequities between women and men who have comparable jobs.
Recommended Motion(s):
The Superintendent recommends that the School Board approve the re-submission of the 2021 Pay Equity implementation report to the Minnesota Pay Equity Management System.
9.9. Substitute Teacher, Education Assistant Specialist and Education Assistant Pay Rates for the 2022-23 School Year
Northeast Metro 916 utilizes Teachers on Call (TOC) to fill Teacher, Education Assistant Specialist and Education Assistant absences with qualified substitutes. The administrative fee for services provided by TOC for the 2022-2023 school year is 27% and proposed substitute rates are as follows:
Teacher Full Day: $175 Teacher Half Day: $87.50 Long Term Substitute Teacher Full Day: $200 Long Term Substitute Teacher Half Day: $100 Retired Teacher Full Day: $250 Retired Teacher Half Day: $125 Education Assistant: First step on salary schedule Education Assistant Specialist: First step on salary schedule
Recommended Motion(s):
The Superintendent recommends that the School Board approve the Substitute Teacher, Education Assistant Specialist and Education Assistant rates for the 2022-2023 school year with services provided by Teachers on Call.
10. Board Forum
The Board Forum provides School Board members with an opportunity to share in written format (see attachment) items of interest and information from their home district. Board members may share verbal updates at the meeting which are pertinent to all of the member districts related to the following:
11. Closed Session
In accordance with Minn Stat §13D.03, the Board will meet in closed session for the purpose of discussing Labor Negotiations Strategy.
Recommended Motion(s):
Recommend to enter in to closed session for the purpose of discussing Labor Negotiations Strategy.
Recommended Motion(s) #2:
Recommend to reconvene the regular school board meeting following closed session.
12. Closed Session
The meeting will be closed as permitted by section 13D.05, subdivision 3 (a), to evaluate the performance of the School District's superintendent.
Recommended Motion(s):
Recommend to enter in to closed session for the purpose of discussing the Superintendent's Evaluation.
Recommended Motion(s) #2:
Recommend to reconvene the regular school board meeting following closed session.
13. Adjournment
Recommended Motion(s):
Adjournment of Meeting