April 19, 2023 at 7:00 PM - REGULAR BOARD MEETING
Agenda |
1. Call of Order, Roll Call, Establish a Quorum.
2. Public Participation
3. Invocation.
4. Pledge
5. Consent Agenda
5.i. Reading and approval of previous board meeting minutes.
6. Campus and Departmental Updates
7. Regular Report of the Superintendent
7.i. District Enrollment and Attendance Report
7.ii. Financial Report
7.iii. Upcoming Secondary Parking Lot Striping Project
7.iv. Proposed District Vehicle Parking Project
7.v. Proposed Agriculture Farm Facility Updates
7.vi. Proposed 2023-2024 TCISD Compensation Plan
8. Action Items
8.i. Consider and Take Action: 2023-2024 TCISD Academic Calendar
8.ii. Consider and Take Action: Grant Dr. Charles Mims, Superintendent, authority to hire contracted employees through August 16, 2023.
8.iii. Consider and Take Action: Hiring of a Certified Elementary ELAR and Social Studies Teacher
8.iv. Consider and Take Action: Hiring of a Certified Secondary ELAR Teacher
8.v. Consider and Take Action: Hiring of a Certified Secondary Mathematics Teacher and Head Girls Basketball Coach
9. Closed Session: Discuss/Action: Employment, resignation, reassignments:
10. Open Session: Consider and take possible action arising from closed-session deliberations if needed.
11. Adjourn