October 17, 2022 at 7:00 PM - Woodbridge Board of Education Regular Meeting
Agenda |
I. Preliminary Business / WebEx Login Information / Motions
https://woodbridgeps.webex.com/woodbridgeps/j.php?MTID=mde59c13fd62b828d185fb373a6fcbf8e Meeting Number: (access code): 2488 883 1890 Meeting Password: SvrjEqas537 This meeting is being conducted as a hybrid meeting consistent with Connecticut Public Act 22-3. The public may attend in person at the location indicated above, with social distancing required. The public may also attend electronically via WebEx with the link provided above. |
I.A. Call to Order
I.B. Pledge of Allegiance
I.C. Correspondence - Please feel free to submit Public Comments via email no later than 4:00 PM on the day of the meeting to mdegennaro@woodbridgeps.org
I.D. Public Comment - The Board welcomes public participation. We ask that speakers please limit their comments to three minutes. Please be aware that the Board will not respond to any comments made during the public comment period, except to clarify issues, but we will take into consideration your comments, and when appropriate, district administration will follow-up with you at a later point in time.
The Board welcomes public participation. We ask that speakers please limit their comments to three minutes. Please be aware that the Board will not respond to any comments made during the public comment period, except to clarify issues, but we will take into consideration your comments, and when appropriate, district administration will follow-up with you at a later point in time.
I.E. PTO Update
II. Consent Agenda
II.A. Approval of September 19, 2022 Regular Meeting Minutes
II.B. Fiscal Year 2022/23 Budget Narrative Report
II.C. Fiscal Year 2022/23 Budget Summary Report
II.D. Fiscal Year 2022/23 Budget Detail Report
II.E. Combining Financial Statements
II.F. Accept Policies 2120 (Organizational Chart) and 4111 (Recruitment and Selection of Administrative Staff - Regulations) for 30-Day Review
III. Reports
III.A. Superintendent's Report
III.A.1. Special Education Update
III.A.2. BRS Update
III.B. Upcoming Meeting Presentation(s) - Extended Day Guidelines and TAG Update
III.C. Town / BRS Building Committee Update
III.D. Curriculum Committee
III.E. Finance Committee
III.E.1. Adopt 2024-2029 Capital Budget
III.F. Policy Committee
III.G. CABE Liaison Report
IV. New Business
IV.A. Natural Gas Contract
IV.B. Ratify WEA Contract
V. Other
V.A. Public Comment - The Board welcomes public participation. We ask that speakers please limit their comments to three minutes. Please be aware that the Board will not respond to any comments made during the public comment period, except to clarify issues, but we will take into consideration your comments, and when appropriate, district administration will follow-up with you at a later point in time.
The Board welcomes public participation. We ask that speakers please limit their comments to three minutes. Please be aware that the Board will not respond to any comments made during the public comment period, except to clarify issues, but we will take into consideration your comments, and when appropriate, district administration will follow-up with you at a later point in time.
V.B. Executive Session, in accordance with State Statute
VI. Adjournment