November 5, 2021 at 9:00 AM - WBOE Ad Hoc Capital Plan Committee
Agenda |
I. Call to Order / WebEx Login Meeting number (access code): 2484 833 8245 Meeting password: VqZjamaN664 |
II. Public Comment - The Board welcomes public participation. We ask that speakers please limit their comments to three minutes. Please be aware that the Board will not respond to any comments made during the public comment period, except to clarify issues, but we will take into consideration your comments, and when appropriate, district administration will follow-up with you at a later point in time. During the COVID 19 epidemic, please feel free to submit Public Comments via email to
The Board welcomes public participation. We ask that speakers please limit their comments to three minutes. Please be aware that the Board will not respond to any comments made during the public comment period, except to clarify issues, but we will take into consideration your comments, and when appropriate, district administration will follow-up with you at a later point in time.
III. Continued Discussion of Prior Work and Potential Next Steps
III.B. Hazardous Materials Abate
III.C. Oil Tank Removal / Abandonment
III.D. Removal of Well Head
III.E. Drainage Issues
III.F. Roof Replacement / Refurbishment
III.G. Asphalt / Sidewalks
III.H. Technology
III.I. Other
IV. Executive Session in accordance with State statute
IV.A. Discussion of Matters Concerning the Deployment of Security Strategies
V. Adjourn