October 25, 2021 at 4:00 PM - Ad Hoc Student Culture & Community Committee
Agenda |
I. Call to Order / WebEx Login Meeting link https://woodbridgeps.webex.com/woodbridgeps/j.php?MTID=m4e54832d709525f93d0c960b8ed383a1
Join by meeting number Meeting number (access code): 2484 987 7296 Meeting password: jPK2ms32CMU |
II. Public Comment - The Board welcomes public participation. We ask that speakers please limit their comments to three minutes. Please be aware that the Board will not respond to any comments made during the public comment period, except to clarify issues, but we will take into consideration your comments, and when appropriate, district administration will follow-up with you at a later point in time.
The Board welcomes public participation. We ask that speakers please limit their comments to three minutes. Please be aware that the Board will not respond to any comments made during the public comment period, except to clarify issues, but we will take into consideration your comments, and when appropriate, district administration will follow-up with you at a later point in time.
III. Discussion of Students' Mental Health Needs & BRS Response
IV. Discussion of Safe School Climate Committee & Relevant Data
V. Adjourn