March 4, 2015 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1. Call to Order, National Anthem/Pledge of Allegiance, Moment of Silence
Chippens Hill Middle School Instrumental - Directed by Lisa LaDone
Moment of Silence: John Borg - Principal Patterson and West Woods Schools - 7/1/65 to 6/30/86 Maureen Colbert – Special Education Teacher – Memorial Boulevard and Bristol Eastern – 1/26/76 - 6/30/02 |
2. 2015 Bristol Scholastic Art Award Winners
3. Approval of Minutes
February 4, 2015 Regular Meeting Minutes
4. Committee Reports
5. Student Representative Reports
Student Representatives Nick Savino (Bristol Central) and Sophia Dtikas (Bristol Eastern) will give updates on activities at their respective schools.
6. Superintendent Report
Dr. Solek will report/update the Board on district topics:
1. Budget Presentation 2. Middle School Programming |
7. Consent Agenda
7.1. Personnel
7.1.a. New Administrator Hired
Amy Martino - BOE - Supervisor, Special Education - Effective Date To Be Determined
7.1.b. Teacher Retirement
Anne-Marie Bissonette - WB - Special Education - Effective June 30, 2015
7.1.c. Teacher Resignations
Kimberly DiVergilio – EPH – School Psychologist – Effective March 6, 2015
Teresa Veenstra – EPH/STAF – Special Education – Effective June 30, 2015 Bethany Willard – BEHS – Special Education – Effective April 1, 2015 |
7.1.d. New Teachers Hired
Shelly Nocera – BEHS – English – Effective February 9, 2015
Nicole Redman – BECC – Speech Language Pathologist – Effective March 2, 2015
7.1.e. Sixth Year Salary Credit - Effective February 1, 2015
Kathleen Archibald - BCHS - Spanish
7.1.f. Coaching Resignations
The following coaches have submitted a letter of resignation: Mario Marrero – Assistant Track and Field Coach .5 Boys - .5 Girls - BCHS, effective 1/30/15 |
7.1.g. Coaching Appointments
Kyle Fuller – Head Boys Track Coach – BEHS, effective 3/23/15
Timothy Hamel - Head Boys Lacrosse Coach – BEHS, effective 3/23/15 Barbara Lessard – Head Girls Tennis Coach – BEHS, effective 3/23/15 Monica Hayes – Head Softball Coach – BCHS, effective 3/23/15 Paul Philippon – Head Football Coach – BEHS, effective 3/4/15 Michael Cassin – Volunteer Wrestling Coach – BEHS, effective 1/5/15 Jason Wyrebek - Volunteer Boys Basketball Coach – BCHS, effective 1/5/15 Vincent Guarda - Volunteer Boys Basketball Coach – BCHS, effective 1/5/15 |
7.2. Grants
7.2.a. 2014-2015 Bilingual Education Grant
The Bilingual Education Grant is submitted for approval. This grant award is in the amount of $10,060.00 and will be used of offset the cost of educating Bilingual students in Bristol. This year – three schools have 20 or more identified ELL students of the same dominant language (Spanish) – Bristol Central, West Bristol and Greene Hills.
7.2.b. Stocker Foundation Grant
The Bristol Board of Education received a grant for $4,009 from the Stocker Foundation to purchase books and support the director’s salary for the bookmobile.
7.2.c. United Way Grant in Collaboration with Bristol Community Organization
Bristol FRC’s in collaboration with The Bristol Community Organization is requesting funds for an Ages & Stages Screening (ASQ) grant for the United Way funding cycle 2015-18 (3 year grant). This grant from United Way will provide Ages & Stages Screenings (ASQ) to approximately 150 children ages birth to five served by the FRCs and BCO. FRC Staff will conduct Ages & Stages screenings at the FRC and at BCO. The ASQ is designed to screen children for developmental delays during the critical first 5 years of life. The ASQ has high reliability and validity with strong evidence supporting it as an effective early detection tool. The grant total request is for $25,00 (per year) which will be divided between the agencies as 70% to FRCs ($17,500) and 30% ($7,500) to BCO. United Way disburses fund to BCO as the official 501(c)3 agency partner. Upon approval of the grant, BCO will remit payment to the BOE, on a monthly basis to cover the FRC responsibilities/cost under this grant for fiscal year July 1, 2015 – June 30, 2016. |
8. Public Comment
BACKGROUND: Members of the public are invited to comment to the Board on any topic related to school business. Items requiring consideration by the Board must be approved as an agenda item by a 2/3ds vote of the Board members present. Such items may be referred for further study and not necessarily acted upon at this meeting. Anyone wishing to address the Board should adhere to the following procedures:
Board Policy #1120(a) |
9. Deliberated Items/District Leadership Team Reports
10. Curriculum Revision
10.1. Italian I Curriculum Revision - Second Reading
The Italian I curriculum has been updated and revised to reflect changes in modern culture, the addition of Common Core Standards, and a shifting emphasis in the Connecticut World Language Frameworks. The new curriculum features increased rigor in grammatical concepts, greater emphasis on authentic speaking and learning, rich opportunities for meaningful reading and writing, and updated cultural connections.
11. Textbook Adoption
11.1. Italian Textbook - First Reading
A team of world language teachers has selected a new textbook for use in Italian courses. The book, Sentieri, presents vocabulary in meaningful contexts, allows for the practice of vocabulary and grammatical concepts through communication activities, explores cultural themes, develops reading skills in the context of unit themes, and includes online supporting materials such as an electronic textbook, videos, MP3s, and interactive activities. Sentieri will effectively support the Italian curriculum and its alignment to both state and national standards. This is the first reading.
11.2. A.P. U.S. History Textbook - First Reading
A team of social studies teachers has selected a new textbook for use in the AP US History course. The book, The American Pageant: AP Edition, presents a balanced survey of U.S. History spanning Native American civilizations before European exploration to major events during President Obama’s first term in office. There is a strong emphasis on preparation for the AP test, including test-taking strategies, review questions, sample document-based questions and free-response questions, and a wide range of historical texts. Supplementary texts, Voices of Freedom: A Documentary History (Volumes I and II), trace the development of American freedom over the last 250 years through diverse primary sources. An online book companion site provides a variety of resources to help students more deeply understand historical content. This is the first reading
12. Policy Revision
12.1. Policy 5114: Suspension/Expulsion - Second Reading
13. New Business
The Board of Education will discuss any new business proper to come before the Board. |
14. VOTE TO CONVENE INTO EXECUTIVE SESSION for the purpose of discussing:
1. Discussion of Local 2267 Negotiations
15. RECONVENE INTO PUBLIC SESSION to take any votes on items discussed in Executive Session
16. Adjournment
The being no other business to come before the Board of Education the meeting should adjourn.