July 9, 2014 at 7:00 PM - Special Meeting
Agenda | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1. Call to Order, Pledge of Allegiance, Moment of Silence
James Capone - Teacher - Bingham and Jennings and Coach - Bristol Central - 1960-1983 Richard "Rit" Croce - Board Member - 1991-1995 /Board Chair - 1993-1995 |
2. Approval of Minutes
June 11, 2014 - Special Meeting
June 26, 2014 - Special Meeting
3. Committee Reports
4. Consent Agenda
4.1. Personnel
4.1.a. Administrative Hires
Pamela Brisson - Director of Teaching and Learning - Effective July 1, 2014
Debra Tager - Assistant Principal - Bristol Eastern H.S. - Effective Date TBD |
4.1.b. Teacher Retirement - Effective June 30, 2014
Patricia Niver - City Wide - Music
4.1.c. Teacher Resignations - Effective June 30, 2014
Elizabeth Flynn – SSS – Special Education (from leave of absence)
Jessie Tijl – BCHS - .5 Science |
4.1.d. Part Time Teachers Hired for Full Time Positions - Effective August 25, 2014
Jennifer Allen – SSS - .5 Kindergarten Teacher
Jennifer Chase – City Wide - .6 Art Bryan Cistulli – EPH - .5 Kindergarten Teacher Allison Hennessey – City Wide - .8 TESOL Christina Macioci – WB - .5 Kindergarten Teacher Jennifer McCaffrey – MTV- .5 Kindergarten Teacher Maureen Palmieri – GH - .5 Kindergarten Teacher Caroline Ronk – ID - .5 Kindergarten Teacher Samantha Wrenn - EDGE - .5 Kindergarten Teacher |
4.1.e. A-3 Teacher Resignation - Effective June 30, 2014
Tricia Chesnes – EPH – Technology Co-Leader
Kathryn Wollenberg – SSS – Common Core and Smarter Balanced Assessment Leader |
4.1.f. Teacher Request for an Unpaid Leave of Absence
Kathryn O’Neil – STAF – Grade 2
Tara Salvadori – GH - .5 Kindergarten (renewal of unpaid leave) |
4.1.g. Sixth Year Salary Credit Effective September 1, 2014
4.1.h. Coaching Resignations
The following coaches have submitted a letter of resignation: Lawrence Covino - Head Boys Soccer Coach- BCHS, effective 6/19/14 |
4.2. Grants
4.2.a. Bristol Business Education Foundation WOW Grant
The Bristol Board of Education has received a grant from the Bristol Business Education Foundation for $6,000 to complete the Stocker Foundation Challenge Grant to create the WOW “Wonder of Words” Mobile a mobile library that will be used for expand the reach of the library and district to promote reading and address the preparation gap.
4.2.b. The Stocker Foundation and the Bristol Business Education Foundation WOW Grant
The Bristol Board of Education has received a grant from the Bristol Business Education Foundation for $10,900 to complete the Stocker Foundation Grant to create the WOW “Wonder of Words” Mobile a mobile library that will be used for expand the reach of the library and district to promote reading and address the preparation gap.
4.2.c. People Empowering People (PEP)
The FRC is applying for a grant to cover the cost of 4 PEP programs, offered at Greene-Hills, South Side, West Bristol schools in addition to one community PEP offered at Bristol Community Organization. The FRC will submit a grant requesting $17,000 to cover the cost of these PEP parent leadership trainings to SERC/CT PIRC for approval. People Empowering People Program is a twelve week curriculum designed to train parents in advocacy skills including setting goals along with devising and implementing an action plan that increases parent involvement in the schools and the community. PEP is designed to build on parent strengths and recognizes the unique life experiences and capacities of each person. The ultimate purpose of this training is to encourage parent involvement in the school and work towards the elimination of the achievement gap. This is a one year grant (July 1, 2014 - June 30, 2015).
5. Policy Revision
5.1. Policy 6145-2 Extra-Curricular and Co-Curricular Activities – Second Reading
Chris Cassin
The revision is proposed to clarify and create consistent policy language for the implementation of the Full Extra-Curricular and Partial Extra-Curricular eligibility policy for co-curricular and extra-curricular activities.
6. Curriculum Revision
6.1. CAD and Solid Modeling – Second Reading
High School Engineering & Technology teachers have revised and updated the CAD and Solid Modeling class. This 45 day career development experience is open to students in grades 9-12.
6.2. Introduction to Computer Assisted Design (CAD) – Second Reading
High School Engineering & Technology teachers have revised and updated the Introduction to Computer Assisted Design (CAD) class. This 45 day career development experience is open to students in grades 9-12.
7. Textbook Adoption
7.1. AP Physics C Textbook Adoption - Second Reading
Richard Gagliardi
The College Board is discontinuing the AP Physics B course as of June 30, 2014. In response, Bristol will implement AP Physics C which will require a new textbook. The following textbook is recommended for AP Physics C: Fundamentals of Physics by Jearl Walker.
7.2. AP Physics I Textbook Adoption - Second Reading
Richard Gagliardi
The College Board is discontinuing the AP Physics B course as of June 30, 2014. In response, Bristol will implement AP Physics 1 to expand AP offerings for students. The following textbook is recommended for AP Physics C: College Physics: A Strategic Approach by Randy Knight, Brian Jones, and Stuart Field.
7.3. Environmental Science Textbook Adoption - Second Reading
Richard Gagliardi
High School Science teachers have revised and updated the high school Environmental Science class. The existing textbook is 8-9 years old and needs to be updated to match new instructional standards
7.4. Spanish IV Textbook Adoption - Second Reading
Pam Brisson
The Spanish IV curriculum was revised this spring as part of the district’s ongoing practice of updating curricula. As a result of the process, a committee of Spanish teachers from both high schools determined that a current and rigorous textbook was needed to help deliver the curriculum effectively. The committee recommends the approval the following textbook:
7.5. French III Textbook Adoption - Second Reading
Pam Brisson
The French III curriculum was revised this spring as part of the district’s regular practice of updating curriculum. As a result of the process, a committee of French teachers from both high schools determined that a current and rigorous textbook was needed to help deliver the curriculum effectively. The committee recommends the approval the following textbook:
7.6. Middle School Mathematics Textbook Adoption - Second Reading
Lisa Bernabe
Two years ago, Bristol Public Schools adopted a middle school mathematics curriculum aligned to the Common Core State Standards. In support of that adoption, it is recommended to purchase instructional materials to meet the revised curriculum standards. After a review of several possibilities, the textbook selection committee recommends the following textbook for middle school mathematics. Glencoe Math: Built to the Common Core CCSS by McGraw Hill Education
8. Deliberated Items/District Leadership Team Reports
8.1. Local 2267 Labor Board Decision (June 16, 2014)
Discussion and possible vote.
8.2. Superintendent's Contract - Renewal/Extension
Discussion and possible vote.
8.3. Board of Education Legal Counsel
Superintendent's Recommendation. Discussion and possible vote.
8.4. Report on Dress Down Days for 2013-2014 School Year
The Board of Education agreed to waive the staff dress code for monthly dress down days that would benefit students and/or staff. Attached is this year’s list of charities and the monthly amount raised. Staff donated a total of $25,227.45.
8.5. Approval of CT Pool Safety Laws (PA 13-161)
Chris Cassin
In accordance with the new pool safety laws in Connecticut PA 13-161 “AN ACT CONCERNING POOL SAFETY AT PUBLIC SCHOOLS” the Bristol Parks and Recreation Department created a plan to ensure the safety of all school related events occurring on premises.
8.6. Sidewalk Waiver - 360 Minor Street
The Board of Education has received a Sidewalk Waiver request from the City for 360 Minor Street.
8.7. BOE Roof Final Plans and Specifications
The final plans and specifications for the Bristol Board of Education Administrative Offices Building have been created. This project is part of the City’s capital plan.
9. Adjournment
There being no other business to come before the Board of Education the meeting should adjourn.