June 7, 2021 at 7:00 PM - Board of Education Regular Meeting
Agenda |
I. Call to Order
Dr. Nugent: Chair
II. Public Comment
Dr. Nugent: Chair
Option 1: Per Governor Lamont’s Executive Order 7B, members of the public wishing to provide Public Comment must submit an email to Gloria Homiski at homiskig@prestonschools.org until 12 noon on June 7, 2021. Emails received will be acknowledged and summarized by the chair during the Public Comment portion of the meeting and will become part of the meeting minutes. This will ensure the public's voice is heard during these difficult and trying times. Option 2: Members of the public participating virtually may provide public comment during the Public Comment portion of the meeting. Meeting ID
Phone Numbers
(US)+1 929-277-9902
PIN: 652 214 906#
IV. Superintendent's Reports/Updates
Dr. Seitsinger: Superintendent
a. Principal and Director of Special Education Reports b. Equity Audit c. Partnerships: ESS, EQI, LEARN, EAB, Leadership Barn, YALE Network 1. Effective School Solutions (ESS) 2. Equity Institute (EQI) 3. LEARN Technology 4. Education Technology Services and Research (EAB) 5. Learning Barn Superintendent's Consortium 6. YALE: Professional Network of Superintendents d. Review Reopening Plan: Public Comment June 10, 2021 e. ARP ESSER Review of Calendar and Committee f. Policy 4121: Substitute Teachers
V. Expenditure/Projection Report
Mr. John Spang
a. Expenditure Report b. Capital Improvement: School Re-Lamping
VI. Adjournment
Dr. Nugent: Chair