October 10, 2018 at 7:00 PM - Regular Board of Education Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
Mr. John Burns
2. Roll Call
Mr. John Burns
3. Pledge of Allegiance
Mr. John Burns
4. Public Comments
Mr. John Burns
Members of the Killingly community are encouraged to share their thoughts with the Board of Education and are invited to do so during this segment of the meeting. When appropriate to do so, members of the Board and the administration may respond to comments. However, in consideration of those in attendance and in an effort to proceed in a timely manner, follow-up discussion may need to take place outside of the meeting setting. |
5. Report of Town Council Liaison
6. Report of Killingly High School Student Board Members
Terren Allen and Bryce Bentinck
7. Report of Superintendent of Schools
Mr. Steven Rioux
7.A. Mastery-Based Learning
Mr. Paul Brenton
General conversation on anticipated benefits of moving the district to a mastery-based model.
7.B. 2017-18 STAR Results
Mr. Paul Brenton
7.C. Alternative Education Center
General Update.
7.D. Alliance Grant
Mr. Paul Brenton
After several revisions, the SDE has approved our application.
7.E. New Business
Mr. Steven Rioux
8. Reports by BoE Chair and Sub-Committee Chairs
Mr. John Burns
8.A. Curriculum Sub-Committee
Mr. Chris Viens
8.B. Facilities Sub-Committee
Mr. John Burns
8.C. Fiscal Sub-Committee
Dr. Diane Summa
8.C.1. September 2018 Financial Report
Dr. Diane Summa
8.D. Personnel Sub-Committee
Dr. Diane Summa
8.E. Policy Sub-Committee
Mr. Jeff Buchbinder
8.E.1. Policy #3541.5-Transportation Complaints-SECOND READING
8.E.2. Policy #3542.22 Food Service - Code of Conduct-SECOND READING
Federal regulations require a written code of conduct for employees engaged in the procurement process for the National School Lunch Program, School Breakfast Program and the Summer Food Services Program)
8.E.3. Policy #5125.11 Students- Health/Medical Records-SECOND READING
Recently passed legislation (Section 2 of P.A. 13-173) amended C.G.S. 10-221o which requires that boards of education must provide time devoted to physical activities/exercise for students in elementary school of not less than 20 minutes in total for each regular school day. Previously the statute required 20 minutes of physical exercise to students enrolled in grades K-5. In addition P.A. 13-173 also required boards of education to adopt a policy concerning the issues of (1) any school employee preventing a student from participating in the entire time devoted to physical exercise during the regular school day as required in elementary schools and (2) any school employee involved in requiring any students enrolled in grades K-12, inclusive, to engage in physical activity as a form of discipline during the school day. |
8.E.4. Policy #5144.4 Students- Physical Exercise-SECOND READING
Recently passed legislation (Section 2 of P.A. 13-173) amended C.G.S. 10-221o which requires that boards of education must provide time devoted to physical activities/exercise for students in elementary school of not less than 20 minutes in total for each regular school day. Previously the statute required 20 minutes of physical exercise to students enrolled in grades K-5. In addition P.A. 13-173 also required boards of education to adopt a policy concerning the issues of (1) any school employee preventing a student from participating in the entire time devoted to physical exercise during the regular school day as required in elementary schools and (2) any school employee involved in requiring any students enrolled in grades K-12, inclusive, to engage in physical activity as a form of discipline during the school day. |
8.E.5. Policy #5145.14 Students-On Campus Recruitment-SECOND READING
8.E.6. Policy #6141.312 Instruction-Migrant Students-SECOND READING
This policy is mandatory for districts that receive Title I funds. The Every Student Succeeds Act amended ESEA and imposed requirements on state agencies dispersing funds for Title I programs. Most of the requirements are directed to state agencies. However, local districts receiving money for these programs will be held to many of the same requirements by the State. |
8.E.7. Policy #4118.51/4218.51 Use of Social Networking/Media=-SECOND READING
9. Consent Items
Mr. John Burns
9.A. September 12, 2018 Reg. BoE Meeting Minutes
9.B. September 26, 2018 Reg. Board Meeting Minutes
9.C. October 2018 Employee of the Month Nominee
9.D. October 1, 2018 Student Enrollment
9.E. September 2018 Issued Checks
9.F. McKinney Vento Grant
9.G. KHS Golf Team Field Trip Request to Myrtle Beach- Spring Break 2019
9.H. KHS Broadcast Journalism, Student Television Convention Field Trip Request-Seattle, Washington
9.I. KHS French Club Field Trip Request-Quebec City
10. Adjournment
Mr. John Burns