May 14, 2014 at 7:00 PM - Regular Board of Education Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
Mrs. Alexis Rich
2. Roll Call
Mrs. Alexis Rich
3. Pledge of Allegiance
Mrs. Alexis Rich
4. Citizen's Comments
Mrs. Alexis Rich
Members of the Killingly community are encouraged to share their thoughts with the Board of Education and are invited to do so during this segment of the meeting. When appropriate to do so, members of the Board and the administration may respond to comments. However, in consideration of those in attendance and in an effort to proceed in a timely manner, follow-up discussion may need to take place outside of the meeting setting.
5. Recognition of Visitors
Mrs. Alexis Rich
5.A. APRIL 2014 Employee of the Month
5.B. Recognition of CABE Student Leadership Award Recipients
Kevin Farr/ Alexis Rich
The CABE Student Leadership Award is an annual award given to students in high school and intermediate school based on their leadership qualifications. The students are nominated by the Principals, with nominations sent directly to CABE. The Board will give the certificates to two students from KIS and 2 students from KHS.
5.C. Teachers and Nurses Appreciation Week
Teacher Appreciation Week is a week long celebration in the United States observed the first full week in May. Teacher Appreciation Day is the Tuesday, May 6 that falls during Teacher Appreciation Week which is May 5-9th. It is a time to honor teachers for the contributions they make to learning, child development and to the community.
National Nurses Appreciation day in on May 6 th during National Nurses Appreciation Week May 6-12 Again, all citizens and staff are urged to recognize and thank our nurses for their contributions to the Killingly Public Schools' families. |
Members of the KHS Technology Team will be present to inform the board of their most recent accomplishment. As you know, our TSA Chapter was recognized earlier in the year as the Connecticut TSA Chapter of the Year. As part of that recognition our school will be representing Connecticut next year at the International Competition.
6. Report of Town Council Liaison
John Sarantopoulos
7. Report of Killingly High School Student Board Members
Zane Cooke and Frantha Phonesavanh
8. Report of Superintendent of Schools and Assistant Superintendent of Schools
Kevin Farr
The Superintendent will provide the Board of Education with an update of activities in the school district and any developments at the state and national level.
9. Current Budget Update FY 2014
Brian O'Connell
Business Manager, Mr. Brian O'Connell will update the board as to the current status of the Fy14 budget. This report will emanate from conversations at the Fiscal Sub Committee meeting on May 13th.
10. Update on FY 2015 Budget
This agenda item will serve as an opportunity to discuss next steps based on the anticipated results from the All Day Machine vote on the budget on May 13th.
11. Report of Board Chair, Sub-Committees and Liaisons
Mrs. Alexis Rich
11.A. Fiscal Sub-Committee
Greg Keeley, Brian O'Connell
Report to follow meeting of Fiscal Sub Committee on May 13th at 5pm at Westfield Ave.
11.B. Policy
Dave Marcotte
11.B.1. First Reading of Policy #9121 Bylaws of the Board-Chairperson
Dave Marcotte
The changes to this section of the Board of Education Bylaws will allow the Chair of the Board of Education to attend any and all Sub Committee meetings as a voting member and for the purposes of maintaining a quorum. Shipman and Goodwin provided counsel.
11.B.2. First Reading of Policy 5145.4 Student-Non-discrimination
Dave Marcotte
Additions to this policy were recommended by a Connecticut Department of Education report that reviewed the district's documents around Non Discrimination and Title IX Compliance. The protected groups that were added here were also recommended by Counsel, Shipman and Goodwin.
11.B.3. First Reading of Policy 4118.112-4218.112 NEW Personnel Sex discrimination and Sexual Harassment
Dave Marcotte
Based on recommendations from the Connecticut Department of Education report our Counsel, Shipman and Goodwin has recommended the attached policy to replace our current policy in order to be in complete compliance.
11.B.4. First Reading of Policy 1330 Community Relations-Use of Facilities
Dave Marcotte
This policy has been edited to reflect the protected goup(s) that should be included per the recommendations of the Connecticut Department of Educaton and our Counsel, Shipman and Goodwin.
11.B.5. First Reading of Policy 4111.11 4211.1 Personnel- Certified/Non-Certified. Affirmative Action
Dave Marcotte
This policy has been edited to reflect the protected group(s) that should be included per the recommendations of the Connecticut Department of Education and our Counsel, Shipman and Goodwin. |
11.B.6. First Reading of Policy 5145.5 Students-Sexual Harassment
Dave Marcotte
Based on recommendations from the Connecticut Department of Education and our Counsel, Shipman and Goodwin a new policy has been suggested to replace the current one.
11.C. Community Engagement Committee
John Burns
11.D. Curriculum Committee
Richard Murray
11.E. CABE, Economical Dev. CCJEF and Other
Richard Murray
11.F. EASTCONN Liaison
Dave Marcotte
11.G. Town Council Liaison
John Burns
11.H. Parks and Recreation Liaison
Hoween Fexer
12. Consent Agenda
Alexis Rich
12.A. April 2014 Financial Report
Mrs. Alexis Rich
12.B. April 2014 Payments-Checks Issued
Mrs. Alexis Rich
12.C. April 2014 Systems Object Report
12.D. May 2014 Employee of the Month Nominee
12.E. April 9 & 23 2014 BOE Minutes
12.F. May 2014 Student Enrollment
12.G. KHS Field Trips (2)
Two field trips for small groups of students and staff during the Summer of 2014 to attend leadership activities in Gill, MA and Washington, DC
13. 1 Year Child Rearing- Leave of Absence Request
Mr. Kevin Farr
14. Executive Session for Specific Personnel Matter
15. Adjournment