April 14, 2010 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
2. Roll Call
3. Pledge of Allegiance
4. Recognitions
Alexis Rich
4.A. Recognition of Connecticut Fire Prevention Poster Contest Winner
Joan Gardner
Roger Coutu, Grade 4 at Killingly Central School, is the winner of the Windham County Connecticut Fire Prevention Poster Contest.
4.B. Recognition of Students Who Took Part in Connecticut FFA's Floral Design Competition
Bethany Royer
There were six KHS Vo-Ag students who took part in Connecticut's FFA Floral Design Competition. There were 18 other Ag Centers across Connecticut who took part.
Alicia Ahnberg - 1st place, Tea Party (Fake Flowers) Erin Duerr - 1st place, Breast Cancer Awareness (Live Flowers) Cassie Frabutt - 2nd place, "Eco"-nomics (Live Flowers) Abby Maerkel - 3rd place, American Pride (Live Flowers) Laila McCullough - Honorable Mention, Tea Party (Fake Flowers) Katlyn Herrick - Honorable Mention, America Pride (Live Flowers) |
4.C. Recognition of Students Competing in 2010 Student Television Network Convention
Dan Durand
The following students took part in the 2010 Student Television Network Convention in California: Allisa Laford, Kaitlyn Desjardin, Megan Hall, Megan Robinson, Ericha Weber, Tylor Herrick, Zach Cooke, B Sacksith, Scott Gagnon and Hunter Lyon.
Allisa, Ericha and Megan Hall took third place in the Pubic Service Announcement competition for their PSA on Cyber Bullying. Hunter, Scott and B took third place in the Short Story competition, "Two Strangers Who Almost Meet". This is the second year in a row where Killingly is the only school in New England to receive any awards. |
4.D. Employee of the Month
Bonnie Beland should be present at the meeting. She was nominated for her dedication to the students who are in her construction technology classes. She took a team of students to the International Builder Show in Las Vegas, Nevada in January. The students took 3rd in the Residential Construction competition and 2nd for Outstanding Chapter. In addition, Bonnie received the Outstanding Educator of the Year award.
5. Citizens Comments
Members of the Killingly community are encouraged to share their thoughts with the Board of Education and are invited to do so during this segment of the meeting. When appropriate to do so, members of the Board and the administration may respond to comments. However, in consideration of those in attendance and in an effort to proceed in a timely manner, follow-up discussion may need to take place outside of the meeting setting.
6. Report of Killingly High School Student Board Members
7. Report of Town Council Liaison
8. Information and Reports
8.A. KIS News
Sheryl Kempain
Sheryl Kempain will give a brief presentation on what is happening at KIS.
9. Report of Superintendent of Schools and Assistant Superintendent of Schools
9.A. High School Building Project Update
William Silver
I will give a brief report on the construction, FF&E and technology status of the new high school.
9.B. Town Budget Calendar
William Silver
The Town Council will be meeting on Monday 4/12, Wednesday 4/14, and (if necessary) Thursday 4/15 to finalize and adopt a town budget to send to Town Meeting on May 3.
10. Consent Agenda
MOTION: to approve the consent agenda:
a. regular meeting minutes of March 10, 2010 and special meetings of March 3, 2010, March 24, 2010, March 27, 2010 and March 31, 2010 b. payment of bills for the 2009-2010 year in March in the amount of $965,225.64 c. Employees of the Month for April 2010 d. grants: Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), Part B e. summer food program f. NAEYC application g. KHS French Club trip request to Quebec |
10.A. Minutes
10.B. Payment of Bills
10.C. Employee of the Month
10.D. Grants
10.E. Summer Food Program
10.F. NAEYC Application
10.G. KHS French Club Trip Request to Quebec
11. Action Items
11.A. Plan Staff Retirement Recognition
Alexis Rich
Several staff have already announced their retirements, effective at the end of the school year. Traditionally, the Board and several employee groups collaborate to hold a recognition event for the retirees. In order to start planning for the recognition, it is recommended that the Chair appoint members to an ad hoc Retirement Recognition Committee to work with Kim Burnham.
11.B. Approval of 2010-2011 School Calendar
William Silver
Last month the Board reviewed a draft of the 2010-11 school calendar. The calendar conforms with the EASTCONN regional calendar for the start of year and major holidays, maximizing transportation savings.
11.C. Approval of Adjustment to 2009-2010 School Calendar
William Silver
At the last Board meeting, the Board was asked to consider converting the last two days of this school year from student attendance days to professional development days for staff. Because of snow days, the last day of school is Tuesday, June 15. [High school graduation is Friday, June 19.] The administrative team believes that the last two days would have minimal educational value for students, but would have great value as professional development days. Killingly has 185 student attendance days, in excess of the state required 180. In the past, the Board has been willing to convert days when the last day is a Monday.
Principals have been working on plans for the two days; these will be forwarded to board members prior to the meeting. Additionally, the high school is streamlining the final exam schedule to take fewer days, thus increasing the number of instructional days at the end of the year for those students. |
11.D. FY11 Budget Discussion/Possible Action
William Silver
The Board may wish to discuss comments and questions from the Public Hearing. The Town Council will be considering the budget and adopting a budget to send to the Town Meeting on April 12, 14 and 15. It is not suggested that the Board make any decisions at this meeting since we may not know the final determination of the council. However, the Fiscal Committee ought to schedule a meeting to develop recommendations to the Board for consideration prior to the Town Meeting on May 3.
12. Executive Session