June 21, 2005 at 7:00 PM - Test for Board Member Practice
Agenda |
I. Call to Order
II. Spotlight
At the recent National Beta Club Convention, FCHS student Ryan Wright was elected to a national office. This was a first for Franklin County and the first time in several years a delegate from Kentucky has attained national office.
III. Approval of July 18, 2005 Regular Meeting
IV. Approval of Monthly Financial Report
V. Public Comments
The Franklin County Board of Education has provided time in its agenda for individuals to make comments. Comments to the Board will be allowed up to a maximum of three (3) minutes.
The Board does not allow comments on any matter dealing with personnel issues. Kentucky law states specifically that personnel matters are the responsibility of the Superintendent. On all personnel matters, you should contact the Superintendent of Schools.
No questions, comments, or decisions/action related to public comments will be made by Board members at this time, unless the specific topic is on the agenda; however, the Board will listen to the comments and/or suggestions which may lead to a discussion of same at a future meeting. If an individual wishes for the Board to discuss and/or take action on a particular issue, they must follow the procedures outlined in Franklin County Board of Education Policy 10.2. The Superintendent or the designee will be able to assist in this request.
VI. Superintendents Report
Mr. Chance's activities for the month of July are presented for your information.
Superintendent’s Activities
July, 2005
July 5 - Interviewed two (2) Principal Candidates
- Met with Jannette Otten
- Met with Hearn School Council
July 8 - Attended KSBA Legislative Issue Forum – Lexington
July 11 - Met with Jami Miller (Personnel)
- Met with Tina Wallace (KAPE)
- Attended Bridgeport Construction Meeting
- Met with Robert Chenoweth (Personnel)
July 12 - Attended EES Construction Meeting
- Attended FCHS Construction Meeting
- Attended EMS Construction Meeting
- Attended KSU Art Exhibit
July 15 - Met with Tim Holt (Strategic Planning)
July 18 - Attended Administrator Training Meeting
- Attended Board Meeting
July 19 - Attended Administrator Training Meeting
- Inspected Construction at Bridgeport
- Inspected Construction at EES
July 20 - Inspected Construction at EES
- Met with Dennis Hancock
July 21 - Inspected Construction at EMS
- Inspected Construction at EES
- Inspected Construction at Bridgeport
- Inspected Construction at FCHS
July 22 - Met with Stuart Burch
July 25 - Met with Bill Nallia
- Met with Michael Smith (Health Charities)
July 26 - Attended EES Construction Meeting
- Attended EMS Construction Meeting
- Attended FCHS Construction Meeting
- Attended Community Ed. Board Meeting
July 27- Attended Evaluation Training for Administrators
- Attended OVEC Meeting – Shelbyville
July 28- Attended Meeting with Food Service Directors
July 29- Attended Meeting on KHSAA for OVEC – Elizabethtown