June 1, 2016 at 6:30 PM - Regular Board of Education Meeting
Agenda |
I. Call to Order
II. Approval of Minutes
II.A. District Budget Meeting of May 2, 2016
II.B. Regular Meeting of May 4, 2016
III. Visitors
III.A. Recognition of Students from the Invention Convention
Nila Kaczor
Our Talented and Gifted Teacher, Nila Kaczor, will be present to recognize student inventors that were selected for the State Invention Convention and some inventors that are heading to the National Competition the weekend of May 20.
III.B. Memorial Day Essay Winners
Ian Neviaser
The Memorial Day essay contest winners have been invited to the meeting to read their winning essays. We will welcome and recognize them for their accomplishments.
1st place: Eli Brown 2nd place: Samantha Tan 3rd Place: Andy Zelek
III.C. CABE Student Leadership Awards
Ian Neviaser, Jim Wygonik, Michelle Dean
Each year, CABE invites its member Boards to recognize outstanding student leaders at the middle and high school levels. The principals of each school are asked to facilitate the selection of the students based on a given set of criteria. Mr. Wygonik and Mrs. Dean will recognize the award winners. From Lyme-Old Lyme Middle School: Emily Evers and Nicholas Fava From Lyme-Old Lyme High School: Allison Marsh and James Kolb
III.D. Presentation of Scholarships by Lions Club
III.E. Recognition of Retirees
Ian Neviaser and Administration
The following teachers, who are retiring in June, will be present at the meeting so that the Board can recognize them for their years of service to the district: Maureen Fudge, Kindergarten Teacher at Mile Creek School, 24 years of service Catherine Walters, 5th Grade Teacher at Mile Creek School, 22 years of service JoAnn Wright, Special Ed Teacher at LOLMS, 43 years of service
III.F. Report from Student Representatives
III.G. Public Comment
IV. Administrative Reports
IV.A. Superintendent's Report
Please note the personnel report as you will find updated employee information reflected in it. Please take note of the June enrollment report. We have a total of 1322 students enrolled. We are continuing to track our Kindergarten enrollments. Last year at this time we had 55 kindergartners enrolled. We currently have 56 enrolled for next year, 29 at Mile Creek and 27 at Lyme. Now that the dust has settled from the budget battle in Hartford, it appears that our two towns are expected to receive a reduction in ECS funding totaling $339K for next fiscal year. We are working closely with the town leaders to ensure this reduction does not impact the education of our students or the services we offer. As a part of our marketing initiative, we have started an Instagram account. You can follow us at lymeoldlymeschools.
IV.B. Business Manager's Report
Holly McCalla
Mrs. McCalla will provide a year to date budget status report as well as a contingency fund report.
V. Educational Presentation
Due to the length of the meeting in June, we do not have an educational presentation.
VI. Chairman & Board Report
VII. New Business
VII.A. Approval of Food Service Management Contract
Holly McCalla
Due to an error on the RFP prepared and approved by the state 2 years ago, we were required to go out to bid again for a food service management. (The error, identified by the USDA, was that ‘price’ was not considered the number 1 selection requirement in the RFP). Chartwells was the only company to attend the mandatory pre-bid meeting and therefore, the only company allowed to submit a proposal. They did submit and were vetted and scored per the state requirements and approved as the food service management company at our May meeting. Per the state of CT, a food service management contract must be in place by July 1, 2016. The dialogue to receive approval from the state is ongoing. The management fees for this contract are $5,270/year.
Although we are still waiting for state approval, in order to make the July 1 deadline I am recommending the board approve the motion as presented. |
VII.B. Superintendent Appointment of Designee Per Policy 7250
Ian Neviaser
Each year the Board is asked to appoint a designee(s) to act in the absence of the Superintendent as necessary. It is useful to have the Board designate two individuals for the rare occasions when both the Superintendent and Director of Curriculum are unavailable. I recommend the Board approve Beth Borden and Nancy Johnston/Melissa Dougherty as designees for this purpose. This requires Board action
VII.C. Participation in State and Federal Grants
Ian Neviaser
Each year the Board is asked to approve application for all state and federal grants. These include those for special education as well as remedial, staff development and other entitlement grants. A single motion authorizes the administration to apply for all that the District is eligible as well as any additional grants deemed appropriate by the Superintendent. This requires Board action.
VII.D. HVAC Controls Upgrade
John Rhodes
This project upgrades our existing HVAC controls at Mile Creek, Lyme Consolidated and Center Schools. The existing controls installed between 2001 and 2004 have reached end of life and have developed reliability issues as well as technical support issues. Included in this project are replacement controllers, replacement district wide HVAC server supporting all five schools, reprogramming to current energy efficiency standards and web based access to the HVAC system controls. Lastly, at the completion of this project, all five schools will use a common HVAC control platform simplifying access for our maintenance staff as well as future contractor support. This project was not bid. Connecticut Controls has successfully been our HVAC controls contractor for the past two years. Because of the proprietary nature of HVAC controls systems, there are limited firms who are qualified to complete this project. Over the maintenance history of our HVAC controls, we have contracted and released all other potential candidates due to performance issues. Therefore, at this time, only Connecticut Controls is qualified to perform this work.
VII.E. Microsoft Licensing Agreement
John Rhodes
The RESC Alliance has completed bidding the Microsoft annual licensing agreement for the 2016/2017 school year. SHI International is the RESC Alliance recommended lowest bidder. Below is a summary of the licenses we will be purchasing. The offered pricing is within our budgeted value for licensing. 260 Desktop School All Languages Licenses @ $64.60 Subtotal $16,796.00 Network Server and On Line Application Licenses Subtotal $15,796.60 Total: $32,592.60
VII.F. High School Locker Room Floor Project
John Rhodes
Approximately seven years ago the school district started a program to clean, restore and seal all bathroom and locker room ceramic floors. This process protects the ceramic tile floors, leaves them looking like new, and greatly simplifies cleaning of these spaces. Each year the school district has this system applied to another group of bathrooms and locker rooms. All high school ceramic tile floors have had this process completed except for the largest spaces which are the high school men’s and women’s locker rooms. We have budgeted for the men’s locker room to be completed during the summer of 2016 and the women’s locker room to be completed during the 2017 summer. This process is proprietary to Saniglaze International and cannot be bid. The school district recommends awarding Saniglaze the project of the high school men’s locker room floor.
VIII. Old Business
VIII.A. Closing of LOLHS Project
VIII.B. Reports of Committees: Facilities, Building, Technology, Policy, Communications, Finance, Human Resources, Enrollment & Equity, LEARN
IX. Correspondence
X. Executive Session
X.A. Interview and Possible Appointment of LOLHS Assistant Principal
Ian Neviaser
X.B. Superintendent Evaluation and Other Personnel Matters
XI. Adjournment