November 5, 2014 at 7:00 PM - Regular Board of Education Meeting
Agenda |
I. Call to Order
II. Approval of Minutes
II.A. Regular Meeting of October 1, 2014
II.B. Executive Session of October 1, 2014
II.C. Special Meeting of October 22, 2014
III. Visitors
III.A. CAPSS Student Recognition
Jim Wygonik
This year's recipients of the CAPSS Superintendent's Award are Meredith Aird and Eric Pan. I have attached bios of these students which describe their many accomplishments in school and within the community. This award is based on their service, leadership, and academic prowess. Jim Wygonik will introduce them.
III.B. Report from Student Representatives
III.C. Public Comment
IV. Administrative Reports
IV.A. Superintendent's Report
Ian Neviaser
1. Please note the personnel report which reflects the hiring of our new payroll clerk, Kristen Cabral. Kristen is replacing Pat Calkins who is retiring in mid-November after 35 years with the district.
2. Please take note of the November enrollment report. We have a total of 1351 students enrolled (increase of 1 student from last month). 3. As a result of our new breakfast program, we have received numerous letters from around the state commending the district on this new initiative. Attached you will find one example from Nancy Rossi, Chair of the New London County Food Policy Council. The letter acknowledges the implementation of the expanded School Breakfast Program in our schools. 4. Congratulations are in order for our athletic department. We recently received notification that we were awarded the prestigious CIAC Michaels Cup Exemplary Program Award for 2013-2014. Only 17 schools in the entire state received this recognition. The award will be presented to us on Thursday, November 20, 2014 at the CIAC Sportsmanship Summit. The award recognizes exemplary athletic programs defined by rating the following seven criteria: I. SPORTSMANSHIPII. PARTICIPATION III. ATHLETIC/SCHOLARSHIP IV. ATHLETIC PERSONNEL V. EQUITY VI. CHEMICAL FREE INITIATIVES VII. ATHLETIC ACHIEVEMENT 5. Congratulations as well to you, the Board, for your recognition by CABE for the Award of Excellence for Educational Communications for our annual budget book. No doubt the transparency with which we deliver our budget information, combined with the quality of the presentation, allowed us to be recognized for this award. We will be honored at next Friday's CABE/CAPSS convention. I hope everyone can make it. 6. I will update the Board on our work with the Town of Old Lyme on their boathouse project. |
IV.B. Business Manager's Report
Mrs. McCalla will provide a year to date budget status report as well as a contingency fund report.
V. Educational Presentation
V.A. Report from the Preschool Program
Nancy Johnston, Maria Varga, Rebecca Bocian and Kinny Newman
Nancy Johnston, Director of Special Services, and the teachers from our Preschool Program: Maria Varga, Rebecca Bocian and Kinny Newman, will present an update on the Preschool Program. The report will include information about the program in general as well as information on how they are adjusting to their new location at Center School and the children's collaboration with the 5th graders.
VI. Chairman & Board Report
VII. New Business
VII.A. Water Supply to Lyme Street Organizations
Ian Neviaser
We have informally provided water to a number of town organizations over the years. Recently two additional town organizations who have neighboring properties have requested use of our water. in order to formalize existing agreements, as well as limit future additions, I am proposing the attached resolution of the Board. This requires Board action.
VII.B. Mile Creek Clock and Public Address System Upgrade
John Rhodes
John Rhodes will explain our request to waive bidding requirements for this project and award Integrated Systems Services, LLC the contract to upgrade the Mile Creek clock and public address system for $16,923. This is a 2014-2015 budgeted facilities project. This requires Board action.
VII.C. Educational Specifications for Lyme School Roof Project
John Rhodes
Please refer to the Educational Specifications for the roof replacement at Lyme Consolidated School. The Facilities Committee has budgeted this roof replacement during the summer of 2015 in accordance with the Five Year Facilities Projects Plan.
This requires Board action.
VII.D. Building Committee Charge for Lyme School Roof Project
John Rhodes
Please refer to the Building Committee Charter for the replacement of the Lyme Consolidated School roof. We are required to establish a Building Committee to assist the Board of Education in this endeavor.
The approval of the charter requires Board action.
VII.E. Architect Selection for Lyme School Roof Project
John Rhodes
Please see the attached describing the Facilities Committee's selection of an architect for the roof replacement project at Lyme Consolidated School. The architectural bids were obtained through a public bidding process. The recommendation to the Board was a unanimous decision of the Facilities Committee. This requires Board action.
VII.F. Policy 2360 and 4610 Smoke Free Environment - first reading
Diane Linderman and Ian Neviaser
Please refer to the paragraph [in bold] added to both of these policies which addresses the inclusion of e-cigarette devices in the policy language. This allows us full protection in terms of a response as the type of devices used for nicotine or other harmful products and/or drugs evolves. This is a first reading and does not require Board action.
VIII. Old Business
VIII.A. Reports of Committees: Facilities, Building, Technology, Policy, Communications, Finance, Human Resources, Enrollment & Equity, LEARN
Please refer to the minutes of committee meetings or provide reports as needed.
IX. Correspondence
X. Executive Session: Student Discipline Matters and Contract Negotiations
We will go into executive session inviting Ian, Jim Wygonik, Michelle Dean, and Ellen Tyler to discuss student discipline matters.
XI. Adjournment