October 1, 2014 at 6:30 PM - Regular Board of Education Meeting
Agenda |
I. Call to Order
II. Approval of Minutes
II.A. Regular Meeting of September 3, 2014
III. Visitors
III.A. Recognition of Teacher of the Year and Non-Certified Staff Member of the Year
We will recognize both our Teacher of the Year and our Non-Certified Staff Member of the Year as neither one was able to attend our last meeting.
III.B. Chartwells Food Service
Gary Holland
As approved last year, we have entered into another agreement with Chartwells for food services. In addition, Chartwells has hired a new manager, Gary Holland, to coordinate services in Region #18. Tonight, Gary and his staff will update the Board on their services as well as provide some samples of the food offerings in our cafeterias.
III.C. Report from Student Representatives
III.D. Public Comment
IV. Administrative Reports
IV.A. Superintendent's Report
Ian Neviaser
1. Please note the personnel report as you will find new hires reflected in it.
2. Please take note of the October enrollment report. We have a total of 1383 students enrolled. I have requested updated enrollment projections from both NESDEC and Peter Prowda and, upon receipt of those reports, will review them with the enrollment committee. This new information will be examined as it relates to our official enrollment count of October 1. In addition, our October 2014 enrollment report indicates that 79.1% of our students are from Old Lyme while 20.9% of our students are from Lyme. This is a shift of 0.2% from last October when 20.7% were from Lyme and 79.3% were from Old Lyme. Our billings to the towns are based on an average of the October 1 and April 1 student counts. 3. I will report on the progress of our new school breakfast program. 4. I will also take a moment to thank Riggio's Garden Center in Essex for their donation of a tree to the Mile Creek property. The tree will be planted outside of the art room. 5. I have included the budget calendar for this year. Please note the dates, especially those in January, when we do most of the board level work in regard to the budget. I hope knowing these in advance will allow you to adjust your schedule accordingly.
IV.B. Business Manager's Report
Holly McCalla
Mrs. McCalla will provide a year to date budget status report as well as a contingency fund report. She will also present the unaudited closeout report for the 2013-2014 school year budget
V. Educational Presentation
V.A. Academic Achievements of LOLHS and LOLMS
Jim Wygonik and Ellen Tyler
Mr. Wygonik will present the academic achievements of LOLHS which will include an overview of the high school’s model of continuous improvement. Traditionally this presentation has only focused on the high school. This year, in light of some changes at the middle school, we have asked Mrs. Tyler to present some program information as well.
VI. Chairman & Board Report
VII. New Business
VII.A. Mock Trial Field Trip Request
Jim Wygonik
Harvard University is hosting a Mock Trial Weekend Workshop on November 15-16. The LOLHS team would like to attend. Workshops start at 8am on the 15th. Therefore, we plan to arrive in Cambridge on Friday, November 14th. The breakdown of the trip is:
Leave Old Saybrook Train station, 4:30pm. Arrive Boston, 6:30pm. (roundtrip cost $65) Marriot Courtyard Inn in Cambridge for 2 nights (11/14 and 11/15) (~ $250 per room per night) (cost per student ~$125) Registration Fee: $150 per student if 10 or more. $175 per student if under 10. Two chaperones: Sarah Hylas and Emily Kelly Meals are not included. The team plans to fundraise with at least 2 events prior to the weekend to off-set some costs. Total cost per student: $350 |
VIII. Old Business
VIII.A. Dogs on Campus Policy
Diane Linderman and Ian Neviaser
This is a second reading of this policy. The policy committee recommends adoption of the policy as presented. This requires Board action.
VIII.B. Lunch Charging Policy
Diane Linderman and Ian Neviaser
This is a second reading of this policy. The policy committee recommends adoption of the policy as presented. This requires Board action.
VIII.C. Reports of Committees: Facilities, Building, Technology, Policy, Communications, Finance, Human Resources, Enrollment & Equity, LEARN
IX. Correspondence
X. Executive Session
We will hold an executive session to discuss the upcoming negotiations with the LOLA (Lyme-Old Lyme Administrators) group.
XI. Adjournment