February 6, 2013 at 6:30 PM - Regular Board of Education Meeting
Agenda |
I. Call to Order
II. Approval of Minutes
II.A. Minutes of Regular Meeting of January 9, 2013
II.B. Minutes of Executive Session of January 9, 2013
II.C. Minutes of Special Meeting of January 16, 2013
II.D. Minutes of Executive Session of January 16, 2013
II.E. Minutes of Special Meeting of January 23, 2013
III. Visitors
III.A. Report from Student Representatives
III.B. Public Comment
IV. Administrative Reports
IV.A. Superintendent's Report
Ian Neviaser
Please note the personnel report as you will find updated employee information reflected in it. Please take note of the February enrollment report. We have a total of 1472 students enrolled. The enrollment committee met last week to review projected enrollments. Information discussed at that meeting can be found in the minutes and will be reviewed during committee reports this evening. Rob Roach was recently honored by the Connecticut Girls Soccer Coaches Association. Don Desautels will help me recognize Rob for his many years of service and commitment to this organization. We continue to assess and review our current security measures as well as those that may be required in the future. I will provide an update on our campus security measures and will discuss these further during the new business portion of our meeting as we have a recommendation that relates to security.
IV.B. Business Manager's Report
Lynn Warren
Ms. Warren will provide a year to date budget status report as well as a contingency fund report.
V. Educational Presentation
V.A. Common Core State Standards - Language Arts
Beth Borden
Dr. Borden and Mrs. LaConti will present information on the district's plan and progress on implementation of the Common Core Standards in the area of English Language Arts.
VI. Chairman & Board Report
VII. New Business
VII.A. 2013-2014 School Calendar
Ian Neviaser
I have included two recommendations for the 2013-2014 calendar. One is a simple transposition of dates from this year to last year. The second, which includes supporting documentation, is for a slight modification to allow for more effective professional development opportunities for staff. Both calendars include 183 days for students and 187 days for staff and have been shared with the PTO’s and RETA. I will review both and ask that the Board approve a calendar for next year. This requires Board action.
VII.B. Teacher Evaluation Professional Development Proposal
Beth Borden
Another calendar item relates to the current year’s calendar. Currently, the PD day lost due to Sandy is rescheduled for June 20, 2013. The Teacher Evaluation and Professional Development committee is recommending a change in structure for that PD time. Specifically the PD will be offered in afternoon session over a longer period of time as demonstrated in the schedule attached to this item. The time commitment of the staff will not be impacted by this change. Approval of this change requires Board action.
VII.C. Policy 3375 Student Nutrition and Physical Activity: Student Wellness
Allison Hine
The policy committee is recommending an update to Policy 3375 Student Nutrition and Physical Activity; Student Wellness which includes mandated changes per the USDA. These changes are based on new guidelines for meals that you heard about from Chartwells a few months back. This policy has been reviewed by the policy committee and the district’s Coordinated School Health Council. This requires Board action.
VII.D. Update on 2013-2014 Budget Items and Action on Decision Packages
Ian Neviaser
In our ongoing budget development process, I will respond to some questions that were asked by Board members at our last workshop. Specifically, these will include more information about the Athletic Director/ Secretary job responsibilities, the LOLHS greeter position, and the distribution of SMARTBoards from Center School. As well, I will ask the Board to vote on the three decision packages that have been proposed (SRBI, wireless, and Teacher in Charge) in the budget workshops. This requires Board action.
VII.E. Additional Scope Considerations for LOLHS Building Project
John Rhodes
The building committee is recommending the inclusion of four items as additional scope considerations in the LOLHS building project. Mr. Rhodes will review the attached list of items. Addition of these items to the project requires Board action.
VII.F. Video Network Equipment Refresh Proposal
John Rhodes
The Building Committee is recommending approval of payment for replacement of the video network equipment. Mr. Rhodes will explain this recommendation. This will be funded from the high school project Furniture, Fixtures, and Equipment line. This requires Board action.
VII.G. Change Order for LOLHS Project
John Rhodes
The Building Committee is recommending approval of a change order related to the theater lighting system in the auditorium. Mr. Rhodes will explain the details of this change order. This requires Board action.
VII.H. Charge to Facilities Committee for Mile Creek Window Project
John Rhodes
The Mile Creek window project will require that the facilities committee act as a building committee to ensure proper oversight of the project. Mr. Rhodes will review the charge for the committee to complete the window project. This requires Board action.
VII.I. Purchase of Security Cameras for Schools
John Rhodes
As previously mentioned our focus on security continues and has resulted in some new recommendations. The visitor access control system has been installed. Our original request had included the installation of one camera in each school to support this system. The recommendation from security experts includes the ability to view visitors before they enter the front vestibule and after they enter the hallway. We are recommending the addition of two additional three way cameras at each building (LOLHS excluded) to allow for this surveillance coverage. This purchase will require the use of contingency funds and requires Board approval as it includes the installation of cameras and exceeds the dollar threshold for administrative and Treasurer approval. This requires Board action.
VIII. Old Business
VIII.A. Reports of Committees: Facilities, Building, Technology, Policy, Communications, Finance, Human Resources, Enrollment & Equity, LEARN, Comcast
Committee Reports: Please share written minutes and/or oral reports as necessary.
IX. Correspondence
X. Executive Session
XI. Adjournment