October 19, 2020 at 6:30 PM - Board of Education Regular Meeting
Agenda |
I. Call to Order- Establishment of Quorum
II. Pledge of Allegiance
III. Secretary's Report- Approval of Minutes
III.A. Regular Meeting, September 28, 2020
IV. Consent Agenda
IV.A. Cafeteria Profit and Loss Report for July 1, 2020, through September 30, 2020
IV.B. Resignations - Administrative and Certified Staff Members
IV.C. 19-20, Bills and Grants, 09-30-2020, $6,030.20
IV.D. 19-20, Bills and Grants, 10-07-2020, $1,429.05
IV.E. 20-21, Bills and Grants, 09-30-2020, $25,393.86
IV.F. 20-21, Bills and Grants, 10-07-2020, $113,316.58
IV.G. 20-21, Bills and Grants, 10-13-2020, $15,044.40
V. Correspondence
V.A. The next regularly scheduled Board meeting is Monday, November 23, 2020, at 6:30 p.m., location TBD.
VI. Board Reports
VI.A. Student Representatives' Report
VI.B. Policy Committee (Chairperson- Jen Davis, Kathy Bachiochi, and Laura Lybarger)
VI.C. Curriculum Committee (Chairperson- George Melnick, Kathy Bachiochi, Laura Lybarger)
VII. Superintendent Reports
VII.A. Update Regarding Shift in Learning Model
VII.B. Strategic Educational Framework (SEF) Update
VII.C. 2019-2020 Technology Plan Accomplishments
VII.D. Self Funded Health and Dental Insurance Update through September 30, 2020
VIII. Public Comment
IX. Old Business
X. New Business
X.A. Acceptance of a Donation and Creation of the Kevin and Lee Gordon Business Scholarship
X.B. Review and Possible Approval of Proposed Changes to the 2020-2021 School Calendar.
X.C. Review and Possible Approval of Board Policies- 4118 and Appendices A-C- Reporting of Child Abuse and Neglect (Revised); 5125.11- Health / Medical Records (New); and 6146- Graduation Requirements (Revised). Review of Regulations- 4118.12 / 4218.12- Sex Discrimination and Sexual Harassment in the Workplace; and 5145.6- Sex Discrimination and Sexual Harassment.
X.D. Review (First Read) of Board Policies- 5131.911- Bullying Prevention and Intervention (New); and 5131.912- Safe School Climate Plan (New)
XI. Personnel Matters
XI.A. Possible Appointment of a School Resource Officer
XI.B. Review and Possible Approval of Proposal to Hire an Interim Principal for Staffordville School Through June 14, 2021
XII. Student Matters