October 2, 2017 at 6:30 PM - Board of Education Regular Meeting
Agenda |
I. Call to Order- Establishment of Quorum
II. Pledge of Allegiance
III. Secretary's Report- Approval of Minutes
III.A. Special Meeting, 09/11/17
III.B. Regular Meeting, 09/11/17
IV. Treasurer's Report
IV.A. Bills, 09/11/17- $227,551.06
IV.B. Bills, 09/11/17- encumbered- $8,370.25
IV.C. Grants, 09/11/17- $198.07
IV.D. Bills, 09/21/17- $152,991.68
IV.E. Grants, 09/21/17- $147.12
V. Correspondence
V.A. The next regularly-scheduled Board meeting will be held on Monday, October 23, 2017, at 6:30 p.m., at Stafford Elementary School.
VI. Board Reports
VI.A. Student Representative's Report
VI.B. Budget Committee (Chairperson- Sonya Shegogue, Peter Kovaleski, George Melnick and Andrea Locke (alternate))
VI.C. Curriculum Committee (Chairperson- Sonya Shegogue, Andrea Locke and Kathy Walsh)
VI.D. Policy Committee (Chairperson- Kathy Walsh, Peter Kovaleski and Tracy Rummel)
VI.E. Negotiation Committee (Chairperson- Andrea Locke, Jeff Roberts and Sonya Shegogue)
VI.F. District Climate Study Committee (Chairperson- Sonya Shegogue, George Melnick and Kathy Walsh)
VI.G. Recognition of Dr. Collin's Retirement and Family-Friendly Reception
VII. Superintendent Reports
VIII. Public Comment
IX. Old Business
X. New Business
X.A. Disposal of Obsolete Assessment Materials
X.B. Review and Possible Approval of 2016-2017 Budget Transfers
XI. Personnel Matters
XI.A. Review of Interim Superintendent of School's Employment Agreement (Executive Session Anticipated)
XI.B. Approval of Interim Superintendent of School's Employment Agreement
XII. Student Matters