August 15, 2016 at 6:30 PM - Board of Education Regular Meeting
Agenda |
I. Call to Order- Establishment of Quorum
II. Pledge of Allegiance
III. Secretary's Report- Approval of Minutes
III.A. Regular Meeting, 07/11/16
IV. Treasurer's Report
IV.A. Bills, 07/14/16- $334,924.74
IV.B. Grants, 07/14/16- $123,402.81
IV.C. Bills, 07/26/16- $642,620.09
IV.D. Grant, 07/26/16- $50.00
IV.E. Bills, 07/27/16- $129,210.81
IV.F. Grants, 07/27/16- $8,617.04
IV.G. Bills, 08/04/16- $177,385.21
IV.H. Grants, 08/04/16- $8,953.59
IV.I. Bills, 08/04/16- $187,982.75
IV.J. Bills, 08/11/16- $35,044.83
IV.K. Grant, 081116- $365.61
V. Correspondence
V.A. The next regularly-scheduled Board meeting will be held on Monday, September 12, 2016, at 6:30 p.m., at Stafford Elementary School.
V.B. A special Board meeting has been scheduled for Monday, September 19, 2016, at 5:30 p.m., at the Stafford Public Library. Nick Caruso, CABE, will be providing an overview of "Community Leadership" a module of the Connecticut Lighthouse Project.
V.C. Thank you card- Marcia Meakim
VI. Board Reports
VI.A. Student Representative's Report
VI.B. Budget Committee (Chairperson- Tracy Rummel)
VI.C. Curriculum Committee (Chairperson- Sonya Shegogue)
VI.D. Policy Committee (Chairperson- Kathy Walsh)
VI.E. Negotiation Committee (Chairperson- Andrea Locke)
VII. Superintendent Reports
VII.A. Summary of Education-Related Legislation Enacted in the 2016 Regular and Special Sessions of the Connecticut General Assembly
VII.B. Head Start Report through June 30, 2016
VII.C. 2016 School Climate Surveys
VII.D. Update on the Self-Funded Health and Dental Insurance Funds
VII.E. Preliminary Financial Report through June 30, 2016
VIII. Public Forum
IX. Old Business
X. New Business
X.A. Disposal of Obsolete Desks, Books, and Technology Equipment
X.B. Review and Possible Approval of Revision to Transportation Policy
X.C. Review and Possible Approval to Repeal Existing Transportation Policies
XI. Personnel Matters
XI.A. Acceptance of Resignations- Administrative and Certified Staff Members
XI.B. Superintendent's Evaluation (Executive Session Anticipated)
XII. Student Matters