June 24, 2019 at 7:30 PM - BOARD OF EDUCATION MEETING
Agenda |
1. Call To Order
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Awards and Recognition
3.A. Kerin Heemsoth-Special Education Supervisor/School Psychologist (LINKS)
4. Informal Session for Public Comment
5. Special Reports
6. Business Requiring Action
6.A. Staff Resignations (consent)
6.A.1. Diana Kelley
6.A.2. Patricia Silvey
6.A.3. Kelly Trenholm
6.B. Acceptance of Glastonbury-East Hartford Elementary Magnet School Budget for 2019-2020 School Year for First Reading
6.C. Acceptance of Board of Education Policy #6145.9 Academic Priorities and Co-Curricular Activities for First Reading
6.D. Acceptance of Board of Education Policy # 3320 Purchasing Procedures for First Reading
6.E. Acceptance of Board of Education Policy #6115 Ceremonies and Observances for First Reading
7. Reports and Discussion
7.A. Glastonbury Education Foundation
7.B. Magnet Schools
8. Approval of Minutes
8.A. Meeting Minutes of June 10, 2019
9. Committee Reports
10. Chairman's Report
11. Superintendent's Report
11.A. School Suspension Report May/June 2019
11.B. Staff Appointments
11.B.1. Dennis Accomando-LINKS, Special Education
11.B.2. Lindsey Ackley-Hebron Avenue School, 3rd Grade
11.B.3. Elisabeth D'Amato-Smith Middle School, Psychologist
11.B.4. Michelle Ford-Glastonbury High School, School Psychologist
11.B.5. Kerin Heemsoth-LINKS, Special Education Supervisor/School Psychologist
11.B.6. Adele Lanza-LINKS, Special Education
11.B.7. Michael McDonald- Glastonbury High School, Mathematics
11.B.8. Timothy Murphy-Hebron Avenue School, 3rd Grade
11.B.9. Shannon Walsh-Hopewell School, 3rd Grade
11.C. Dates to Remember
12. Adjournment
12.A. Please note: It is possible that the Board of Education may go into Executive Session