June 17, 2024 at 5:00 PM - Board of Education Regular Meeting
Agenda |
I. Call to Order / Attendance
I.A. Pledge of Allegiance
II. School / Community Session
II.A. Public Participation
III. Superintendent's Report
Craig A. Cooke, Ph.D.
III.A. End-of-Year report
III.B. Summer Work
III.C. Sidewalk Project
IV. Board Members' Comments
V. Audience Response to Information Presented (Ref. Bylaw #9540.10)
VI. Action Item: Motion to approve the following curriculum units: Math - Algebra 1, Grade 7 Pre-Algebra; Wellness - 6-8 PE, Lifetime PE, Leisure PE; World Language - Grade 7 Spanish, Grade 8 French
VII. Action Item: Motion to approve the disposal of used books and equipment.
VIII. Action Item: Motion to approve the minutes of the June 4, 2024 Board of Education Meeting (Ref. Bylaw #9540.9)
IX. Discuss and take possible action on a parent request to waive a Board requirement (discussion proposed for Executive Session).
X. Review and possible action on Central Office contracts (discussion proposed for Executive Session)
XI. Future Agenda Items
XII. Adjournment
XIII. The Town of Madison does not discriminate on the basis of disability, and the meeting facilities are ADA accessible. Individuals who need assistance are invited to make their needs known by contacting the Town ADA/Human Resources Director, Debra Ferrante, at 203-245-6310 or by email at ferranted@madisonct.org at least five (5) business days prior to the meeting.