June 4, 2019 at 6:00 PM - Board of Education Regular Meeting
Agenda |
I. Call to Order / Attendance
II. Recognition/Reception for Retirees
II.A. 2019 Madison Public Schools Retirees
III. Business Session - Daniel Hand High School Library Media Center Classroom - Room 120I
IV. Action Item: To enter into Executive Session to discuss Security Related Matters.
V. Board of Education Student Representatives' Report
Ryan Tomicic and Jacqueline Sandor
VI. Superintendent's Report
Thomas R. Scarice
VI.A. Recognize the Board of Education Student Representatives
VI.B. Introduce the 2018-2019 Board of Education Student Representative
VI.C. Other Matters
VII. Board Members' Comments
VIII. Board Committees / Liaison Updates (Ref. Bylaw #9450)
VIII.A. Curriculum and Student Development
Members: Galen Cawley, Chair; Emily Rosenthal, Kirk Barneby
VIII.B. Communications Committee
Members: Emily Rosenthal Chair; Greg DeSantis, Kirk Barneby
VIII.C. Facilities Committee
Members: Seth Klaskin, Chair, Galen Cawley, Greg DeSantis
VIII.D. Finance Committee
Members: Kirk Barneby, Chair, Happy Marino, Galen Cawley, Tom Pellegrino
VIII.E. Personnel Committee
Members: Tom Pellegrino, Chair, Violet McNerney, Happy Marino
VIII.F. Policy Committee
Members: Greg DeSantis Chair; Violet McNerney, Seth Klaskin
VIII.F.1. Policy #6090.1 - Home Visits by Social Workers (Third reading)
VIII.F.2. Policy #3090 - Financial Records and Reports (Third reading)
VIII.F.3. Policy #3140 - Line Item Transfers (Third reading)
VIII.F.4. Policy #9540.8 - Voting Method (Third reading)
VIII.F.5. Policy #3110 - Paying for Goods and Services (proposed removal - Third Reading)
VIII.H. Tri-Board Working Group for Board of Education Facilities
Kirk Barneby; Galen Cawley; Al Goldberg, Jean Ferris; Jude Friedman; Bennett Pudlin
IX. Audience Response to Information Presented (Ref. Bylaw #9540.10)
X. Consent Agenda (Ref. Bylaw #9540.2 and #9540.8)
X.A. Bills Payable: 2017-2018: $7,500; 2018-2019: $101,897.33
X.B. Line Transfers: $43,068.10
X.C. Budget Expenditure as of May 30, 2019
XI. Action Item: Minutes of the May 21, 2019 Board of Education Meeting (Ref. Bylaw #9540.9)
XII. Action Item: To appoint Stephen Fuest to the Cable Advisory Council of South Central Connecticut, effective 7/1/19-6/30/21
XIII. Action Item: To adopt the Grade 9 Curriculum for ELA.
XIV. Action Item: To approve removal of used books and equipment.
XV. Action Item: To approve Policy #6090.1 - Home Visits by Social Workers
XVI. Action Item: To approve Policy #3090 - Financial Records and Reports
XVII. Action Item: To approve Policy #3140 - Line Item Transfers
XVIII. Action Item: To approve Policy #9540.8 - Voting Method
XIX. Action Item: To approve Policy #3110 - Paying for Goods and Services (proposed removal)
XX. Action Item: To authorize the Superintendent to enter into an Agreement between the Madison Public Schools and National Protective Systems Inc. for security related services as detailed in Executive Session. The term of the Agreement is one year at a cost of $95,000. The Agreement has provisions for up to four optional, one year renewals. The cost of each optional one year renewal is $30,000.
XXI. Old Business
XXII. Future Agenda Items
XXIII. Meetings / Dates of Importance (see attached)
XXIV. Adjournment
XXV. “The Town of Madison does not discriminate on the basis of disability, and the meeting facilities are ADA accessible. Individuals who need assistance are invited to make their needs known by contacting the Town’s ADA/Human Resources Director Debra Milardo at 203-245-5603 or by email to milardod@madisonct.org at least five (5) business days prior to the meeting.”