May 3, 2016 at 7:30 PM - Board of Education Regular Meeting
Agenda |
I. Call to Order / Attendance
II. School / Community Session - 7:30 p.m.
II.A. Recognition:
II.A.1. National Nurses Week - May 6-10, 2016
II.B. Public Participation
III. Board of Education Student Representatives' Report
Paige Calvert and Aidan Hughes
IV. Superintendent's Report
Thomas R. Scarice
IV.A. School Lunch Program - Arthur Sickle
IV.B. Special Education Program Update - Elizabeth Battaglia
IV.C. Education Cost Sharing (ECS) Update
IV.D. Other Matters
V. Board Members' Comments
VI. Board Committees / Liaison Updates (Ref. Bylaw #9450)
VI.A. Planning Committee
Members: Jessica Bowler, Chair; Cindy Mead, Galen Cawley
VI.B. Personnel Committee
Members: John Dean, Chair, Alison Keating, Happy Marino
VI.C. Policy Committee
Members: Alison Keating, Chair; Katie Stein, Seth Klaskin
VI.C.1. Policy #4118 - Tenure (Third Reading)
VI.C.2. Policy #4112.8/4212.8 - Nepotism: Employment of Relatives (Third Reading)
VI.D. Finance Committee
Members: Cindy Mead, Chair; Alison Keating, Jessica Bowler
VI.E. LEARN Liaison
Liaison: Katie Stein
VII. Audience Response to Information Presented (Ref. Bylaw #9540.10)
VIII. Consent Agenda (Ref. Bylaw #9540.2 and #9540.8)
VIII.A. Bills Payable: $797.13 2014-2015 Budget and $731,233.54 - 2015-2016 Budget
VIII.B. Line Transfers: $128,972.07
VIII.C. Budget Expenditure as of April 27, 2016
VIII.D. Donation: $,1441.40 to J. Milton Jeffrey Elementary School from Box Tops for Education for school resources.
VIII.E. Donation: $1,500.00 to Dr. Robert H. Brown Middle School from Dr. Robert H. Brown Middle School PTO. For the grade 6 field trip to Lake Compounce.
IX. Action Item: Minutes of the April 5, 2016 Board of Education Meeting (Ref. Bylaw #9540.9)
X. Action Item: Minutes of the April 5, 2016 Board of Education Retreat
XI. Action Item: To approve Policy #4118 - Tenure
XII. Action Item: To approve Policy #4112.8/4212.8 - Nepotism: Employment of Relatives
XIII. Action Item: To modify 2016-2017 Board of Education adopted budget
XIV. Old Business
XV. Future Agenda Items
XVI. Meetings / Dates of Importance (see attached)
XVII. Adjournment