March 18, 2008 at 7:30 PM - Board of Education Regular Meeting #2
Agenda |
I. Call to Order / Attendance
II. Executive Session - 6:30 p.m.
III. School Community Session - 7:30 p.m.
III.A. Recognition: School Social Worker Month
David J. Klein, Dr. Barbara Macauley
III.B. Public Participation
IV. Board of Education Student Representatives' Report
Emma Norris and Thomas Presti
V. Superintendent's Report
David J. Klein
V.A. Update on Safe Schools / Healthy Students Grant
Anita Rutlin
VI. Board Members' Comments
VII. Board Committees / Liaison Updates
VII.A. Personnel Committee
Members: John Dean, Chair; Becky Coffey; Robert Ruggiero
VII.B. Policy Committee
Members: Harriet Gowanlock, Chair; Seth Klaskin; Holly Sellers; Becky Coffey
VII.C. Finance Committee
Members: Becky Coffey, Chair; Harriet Gowanlock; Holly Sellers
VII.D. Community Outreach Committee
Members: Seth Klaskin, Chair; Becky Coffey
VII.E. LEARN Liaison
Liaison: John Dean
VII.F. Planning Committee
Members: Debra Frey, Chair; Bill Clorite, Becky Co
VII.F.1. Discussion: Space Utilization for Elementary Schools
VIII. Audience Response to Information Presented
IX. Consent Agenda (Items 9.1 - 9.7)
IX.A. Bills Payable: $958,938.42
IX.B. Line Transfers: $67,263.75
IX.C. Donation: $6,000 for field trips to Island Avenue Elementary School, from the Island Avenue School PTO (Ref. Policy #3281)
IX.D. Donation: $2,902.26 for the Kathleen H. Ryerson Elementary School library from the Kathleen H. Ryerson PTO (Ref. Policy #3281)
IX.E. Donation: Smart Board with Stand to Walter C. Polson Middle School from Walter C. Polson PTO. Approximate value: $1.800.00
IX.F. Donation: Display Cabinet to Walter C. Polson Middle School from Walter C. Polson PTO. Approximate value: $1,300.00
IX.G. Acknowledgment: Out of State Travel for Robert H. Brown Middle School students (Ref. Policy #6100.16.1)
X. Action Item: Minutes of March 4, 2008 Meeting (Reference Bylaw 9540.8)
XI. Action Item: Non-renewals for the 2008-2009 school year (Ref. Policy #4117.3)
XII. Action Item: Leave of Absence for Nicole Sypher, Grade 6 Science Teacher at Robert H. Brown Middle School, for educational puposes. (Ref. Policy #4030)
XIII. Action Item: Insurance Consultant for Madison Public Schools (Ref. Bylaw 9540.8)
XIV. Action Item: Submission of the Drug Free Communities Grant, in Partnership with the Selectmen's Council on Youth Substance Abuse (Reference Bylaw #9540.8)
XV. Action Item: Education Specifications for the Island Avenue Elementary School boiler replacement, including asbestos abatement.
XVI. Old Business
XVII. New Business
XVIII. Future Agenda Items
XVIII.A. Status of Blackboard Project - April 4, 2008
XVIII.B. Update on Tiger Fitness Center - April 2008
XIX. Meetings of Importance
Chairman Hale
XIX.A. March 25, 2008; Policy Committee; 5:30 p.m., Central Office Room B
XIX.B. March 27, 2008; Planning Committee, 7:30 a.m., Central Office Room B
XIX.C. March 27, 2008; The Governor's School and College Security Conference; 9:00 a.m-12:00 p.m., New Britain, CT
XIX.D. April 1, 2008; Finance Committee, 5:30 p.m., Central Office Room B
XX. Adjournment