September 19, 2022 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
I. Call to Order
II. Declaration of Quorum
II.A. Announcement by President as to the presence of quorum, that this is a regular board meeting and the notice of the meeting was posted in the time and manner required.
III. Pledge/Invocation
IV. Public Comments-pursuant to Board Policy BED (LOCAL)
V. Reports
V.B. Ms. Alushka Driska- Principal's Report
VI. Dr. Remy Godfrey- Superintendent Report
VII. Consent Agenda Items
VII.A. Discussion and possible action regarding BISD August 29, 2022 Regular Meeting Minutes.
VIII. Action Items
VIII.A. Discussion and possible action regarding Elementary & Secondary School Emergency Relief Funds (ESSER)- Six Month Review of Return to In-Person Instruction and Continuity of Services.
VIII.B. Discussion and possible action regarding BISD teacher contract.
IX. Executive/Closed Meeting will be held as authorized by Texas Government Code, §551.071, §551.072, §551.073, §551.074, §551.075, §551.076, §551.082, §551.083, §551.084, if needed.
X. Action from Executive Session
XI. Adjourn