April 11, 2019 at 6:00 PM - Special Called Meeting
Agenda |
1. Superintendent’s Report on Mental Health Services
1. Authorize Legal Counsel to coordinate a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the City of San Antonio to develop a parcel of school district property between 5-8 acres adjacent to Kazen Middle School for the purpose of establishing a future City of San Antonio Multi-Services Community Center, in order to achieve the Boards Goal Progress Measures 1.1 and 1.3 and related matters thereof.
2. Authorize the Superintendent to establish a Mental Health Services Facility at the Anna Marie Hernandez Learning Center or Fenfield Complex (former PDC) or the Kindred Elementary Complex in order to provide services to students with the assistance of non-profit organizations who specialize in Mental Health Services, in order to achieve the Boards Goal Progress Measures 1.1 and 1.3 and related matters thereof.
3. Approve the formation of a school district Mental Health Advisory Committee and adopt initial By-Laws, in order to achieve the Boards Goal Progress Measures 1.1 and 1.3 and related matters thereof.
4. Receive, review and take appropriate action on the Budget Committee’s recommendation regarding the re-opening of Athens Elementary, Kazen Middle School, West Campus High School, Olivares complex, and related matters.
5. Consider and take appropriate action on the Budget Committee’s recommendation for students attending West Campus High School, and related matters.
6. Consider and take appropriate action on the Budget Committee’s recommendation to engage the Architectural services of Garza, Bomberger and Associates to design and implement the appropriate projects related to the reopening of Athens Elementary, Kazen Middle School, West Campus High School, the Olivares Complex, and related matters.
7. Consider and take appropriate action on the Budget Committee’s recommendation to adopt 2018-19 Budget Amendments authorizing appropriations from respectively, the Tax Subsidy Fund, and Child Nutrition Services Fund Balance, as appropriate, for one-time costs, make-ready costs, and other, applicable costs related to the reopening of Athens Elementary, Kazen Middle School, West Campus High School, the Olivares Complex, and related matters.
8. Consider and take appropriate action on the Budget Committee’s recommendation to utilize Construction Manager at Risk Process as the method of construction for construction projects relating to the reopening of West Campus High School.
9. Consider and take appropriate action on a proposal to expand the scope of the Budget Committee by authorizing the Budget Committee to have oversight responsibility for the implementation of the adopted plan for the re-opening of schools/facilities.
10. Consider and take appropriate action on standing operating procedure to require administration to provide a status report on current Budget status, and status of 2019-20 Budget preparation to the Board of Trustees at every regular monthly meeting.
11. Consider and take appropriate action on the Budget Committee’s recommendation, to provide a monthly status report of all expenditures related to the reopening of Athens Elementary, Kazen Middle School, West Campus High School and the Olivares Complex to the Board of Trustees and the community.
12. Consider and take appropriate action on the Superintendent’s recommendation, to adopt budget Amendment to increase 2018-19 Budget appropriation for marketing and public information services and personnel to promote South San Antonio ISD and its programs.
13. Direct the Superintendent to prepare a First Draft of the 2019-2020 Budget within available revenues and based upon staff-projected ADA to be presented to the Budget Committee at their first meeting after May 1st and related matters thereof.
NOTICE: The Board of Trustees may elect to go into Closed Meeting any time during the meeting to discuss matters listed on the Agenda when authorized by the provisions of the Open Meetings Act, Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code. In the event the Board of Trustees elects to go into Closed Meeting regarding an Agenda Item, the Board of Trustees will hold a Closed Meeting to discuss individual personnel matters including termination, litigation and other matters the Board deems necessary. Upon completion of Closed Meeting, the Board of Trustees may, in the open session, take such action as appropriate on items discussed in a Closed Meeting. If, during the course of the meeting, any discussion of any item listed on the agenda should be held in Closed Meeting, the Board will convene in such Closed Meeting in accordance with Texas Government Code Sections 551.001 - 551.088. The Board members may take action in the open portion of the meeting on items discussed in the Closed Meeting but no action will be taken in closed session. The Board will return to open session and take appropriate action, if any, on items discussed in closed session. No Action will be taken in closed session. Further, Board Members are reminded that all items discussed in closed session must remain confidential so as to avoid liability to the district. The Board will consider and discuss, the following items: Closed Meeting pursuant to the Texas Open Meetings Act, Texas Government Code §§ 551.071, 551.072, 551.074, 551.076, 551.082, and 551.0821 |
1. Discussion concerning personnel matters pursuant to Texas Government Code Section 551.074.
2. Conduct Superintendent’s Mid-Year Formative Evaluation.
NOTICE: This meeting of the Board of Trustees is authorized in accordance with the Texas Government Code, Sections 551.001 - 551.146. Verification of Notice of Meeting and Agenda are on file in the Office of the Superintendent. Closed meeting, if required and if authorized by the statute, will be conducted prior to the conclusion of the meeting for any item listed on this agenda. |